Monday, September 30, 2019
The Usage of Foreshadowing in “The Book Theif
Stephan Muccular 5/17/12 English 1 Mr. Smith Authors use a variety of literary devices to make a book more interesting and keep the reader in suspense. The author of the â€Å"The Book Thief†, Markus Zusak, likes to use the literary device called foreshadowing. He makes the book suspenseful, revealing how characters die early on and telling the reader the outcome to certain events. By revealing how characters die early on and telling the reader the outcome, Zusak makes the novel more suspenseful with his use of vague descriptions of the scenes which he is foreshadowing.In the book, Zusak tells the reader early on that Rudy, one of the main characters, is going to die. â€Å"He didn’t deserve to die the way he did†. Zusak then tells the reader how he died and two years later he is going to die. â€Å"Recollections like those merely remind me that he was not deserving of the fate that met a little under two years later†¦He’d have been glad to witness h er kissing his dusty, bomb-hit lips. †Rudy dies from a bomb. The question the reader would have is; two years from what?That’s what leaves the reader in suspense–the fact that the reader knows Rudy will die in two years, but does not know exactly when those two years start. This is a way Zusak tells us the future without giving us all the details. With just a little information, the reader is eager to read more about the situation and satisfy his curiosity. Alex Steiner and Hans Huberman had to serve the same punishment? â€Å"Alex Steiner wouldn’t have suffered the same punishment as Hans Huberman. At this point in the book, the reader wouldn’t know that why Hans and Alex would be punished or what their punishments would be. We know from this quote that they would be punished and their punishment would be the same. But this leaves the reader with questions like: What is Han’s punishment? Why is Alex Steiner being punished? Why is the punis hment the same? These questions have yet to be answered. Zusak is giving the reader a statement that raises questions that are not answered until later in the book, making the novel more suspenseful.Towards the end of the book, Zusak gives the reader a look into when the world ended for Liesel Mimmel, the main character. â€Å"I must warn you that it was raining when the world ended for Liesel Mimmel†¦.. Rudy Steiner slept. Mama and Papa slept. .Fra Holtzapfel, Fra Diller. Tommy Muller. All sleeping. All dying. †In the foreshadowing, Zusak tells the reader that everyone dies around Liesel, which is why her world ended.This leaves the reader in suspense because Zusak only tells the reader what happens–not when it happened, why it happened or why Liesel was still alive. These quotes from â€Å"The Book Thief†mentioned were examples of how Zuzak makes this book thrilling. By using vague descriptions of scenes, Zusak is foreshadowing which makes the reader wa nt to read more to satisfy the reader’s curiosity. This is how Zusak made â€Å"The Book Thief†so interesting and how, when a reader picks up the book and starts reading, the book is hard to put down.
New Code Raises Standards of Pharmaceutical Ethics and Practice in UK Essay
1. Introduction Pharmacists play a role in the public health system and the provision of medical care public health system as critical as that of physicians. Most of the time, pharmacists only fill the prescriptions coming from physicians, but pharmacists often need to prescribe and dispense medicines on their own, especially over-the-counter drugs that people usually use for self-medication of common ailments. With less prudence and circumspection, pharmacists may prescribe medicines that do more harm than good. In recognition of these potential threats to the integrity of the pharmaceutical profession, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) has developed a new code of ethics and performance framework, which provide that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the whole of UK receive quality education necessary for fostering the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to provide a consistent and safe practice. In formulating the new pharmaceutical code of ethics, the Society, as the RPSGB is more popularly known in UK, noted how the profession has been smeared by controversies involving some of its members, regarding issues on assisted suicide, making a prescription error, sedating an unruly patient, dispensing high-cost drugs and recommending treatment that would allow parole7,,8.  This paper discusses the revised code of ethics for British pharmacists and pharmacy technicians as to the likelihood of its lifting the professional practice of pharmacy to new heights of ethical proficiency and integrity. 2. Literature Review The requirements of the revised code reflect key issues for modern pharmacy practice, such as encouraging patients to be involved in decisions about their care, respecting patient choice and working in partnership with other healthcare professionals8. All the provisions of the code are supposed to reflect in the conduct, practice and performance of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, designed as it is to promote and support a culture of accountability and professional judgment.  For this reason, the code sets out seven principles of ethical practice that pharmacists or pharmacy technicians need to observe in the pursuit of their profession.  2.1. Key Principles The revised code of ethics is based on seven principles, each of which is supported by requirements that explain the types of actions and behaviors expected of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians when applying said principles in practice. The seven principles are: 1) make the care of patients the pharmacist’s first concern; 2) exercise professional judgment in the interests of patients and the public, 3) show respect for others, 4) encourage patients to participate in decisions about their care, 5) develop professional knowledge and competence, 6) be honest and trustworthy, and 7) take responsibility for your working practices. Unlike previous versions, detailed standards and guidance will be produced separately from the code. Seven professional standards and guidance documents have also been developed to support and expand on the principles of the new code of ethics in the following areas: †¢ Patient consent †¢ Patient confidentiality †¢ Sale and supply of medicines †¢ Pharmacist prescribers †¢ Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in positions of authority †¢ Advertising †¢ Internet pharmacy This means that people are forbidden to accept pharmaceutical work when they do not possess the necessary skills and competence7. If they do have the proper knowledge and experience, the code says that the pharmacist should start work by establishing the scope of his role and responsibilities and clarifying any ambiguities or uncertainties about where his responsibilities lie. In addition to complying with his legal and professional obligations, the pharmacist is also expected to keep up to date with and observe the laws, statutory codes and professional obligations relevant to his particular responsibilities8.  2.2. Role and Responsibilities If subject is a pharmacy owner, superintendent pharmacist or pharmacy manager in a hospital, trust, or other field of practice, the code obliges him to set the standards and policies for the provision of pharmacy services by his organization. The idea is to make the organization – its premises, departments or facilities – properly maintained so that none of its activities would bring the pharmaceutical profession into disrepute. For this purpose, all the medicines, pharmaceutical ingredients, devices and other stocks at the pharmacy premises or facilities are stored under conditions appropriate to the nature and stability of these products.  In hiring people, management of a pharmacy must conduct background check to ensure that they are qualified for the job and have no criminal records1. The code deems it important that the people employed in a pharmacy are conscientious enough to raise concerns about risks to patients or the public. Thus, the pharmacy should emplace an appropriate and effective mechanism for staff to raise concerns about risks to patients or the public, including concerns about inadequate resources, policies and procedures, or problems with the health, behavior or the professional performance of others.  2.3. Ethical Development Ethical practice in any profession is commonly perceived to be the outcome of good education and training. However, studies in the UK context reveal that classroom discussion and experiential clerkship training have no significant impact on the ethical decisions that pharmacists make later3. In an interview of pharmacy students regarding parole and drug rationing, it was found that majority would recommend treatment to allow parole and restrict the use of expensive drugs6. The ethical choice here is between the benefits to the patient and the risks or costs to society. On physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia, few students expressed willingness to dispense any lethal dose of medication to terminally ill patients. In cases of unruly patients, however, more students would dispense the appropriate sedative. These responses give rise to questions so to whether pharmacy students are trained to be patient-focused in their future practice3. The code also specifies training on such aspects of pharmaceutical practice as good consultation skills and meticulous record keeping. To the code, it matters if pharmacists forget to ask questions in a medication review or in dispensing a repeat prescription; or misinterpret body language and miss cues from patients about emerging problems. The reason is that pharmacists may be the only healthcare professional the patient is seeing routinely so it matters if they miss something or handle a clinical situation poorly.  2.4. Advertised Drugs A recent randomized controlled trial using model patients found that patient requests for advertised drugs were a stronger determinant of prescribing decisions than whether or not the patient had the condition the drug aimed to treat2. Another study of prescribing decisions in response to patient requests found that if a patient asks for an advertised brand, he usually receives it, although the physician is more likely to be ambivalent about these prescribing decisions6. These studies suggest a need for physicians and pharmacists to receive adequate training on how to respond to patient requests. The global withdrawal of the drug Rofecoxib from the market in 2004 illustrates this point. Rofecoxib was no more effective than alternative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in treating the symptoms of arthritis but it was widely promoted as safer and accepted by the public as such. Although there were studies that it brought the side effect of increased heart disease risks, the drug made it big in the market, with 80 million prescriptions worldwide3. The market success of the drug is a testament to the triumph of marketing over science. Only after the US Food and Drug Administration reported 35,000 cases of cardiac arrests and a congressional investigation was consequently held that the drug was pulled out. The incident highlighted the need to ensure that health professionals are adequately prepared to evaluate promotional claims, and to assess and understand interactions with the pharmaceutical industry2. 3. Discussion Educators in many countries are clearly aware of the influence of pharmaceutical promotion on the health professions and wish to prepare students for this aspect of their professional lives. As a physician educator from India said, â€Å"†¦Whatever rational things we want to inculcate in them, that should be done in the student period itself. Once they taste big money then habits develop and later die hard9.† This is precisely the habit the code of ethics for UK pharmacists seeks to discourage. On pharmacy education, the literature agrees that there is no consistent, well-designed and deliberate approach to teaching students ethics during clerkship. Moreover, it has been observed that factors such as life experiences and normal maturation are likely to contribute to the students’ ethical development. Acknowledging these limitations, the code simply seeks to determine if there were noticeable changes in the ethical decisions made by students at different points in their education. Since it was seen that classroom and clerkship experiences do not impact on the ethical decisions made by pharmacy students, the code encourages pharmacy schools to attend to this problem. On top of the proposed agenda is a revision of the curriculum such that it can provide a deliberate and consistent ethical component to the clerkship experience5. A review of ethics literature in medicine and pharmacy found that pharmacy schools lag considerably behind medical schools in the integration of ethics into the curriculum1. Additionally, medical schools were found to use a more patient-oriented approach to teaching ethics. It is believed that a patient-oriented, clerkship-based approach could enhance ethics education and is worthy of further study. The Society is thus currently making efforts to more effectively design and study alternative approaches to ethics education during clerkship, and throughout the pharmacy curriculum8. 4. Commentary The finding that pharmacy students do not learn ethical behavior from their classroom and clerkship experience in UK casts doubt on full compliance with the code of ethics for this type of healthcare professionals. The above studies conclude that students have a less defined professional ethical system, which may be due to a lack of pharmacy practice experience. They recommend that further studies be done to document the ethical growth and development of pharmacy students. Other authors have suggested that future studies longitudinally evaluate the influence of pharmaceutical education and training on the moral development and ethical behavior of students. Furthermore, it has also been suggested that ethics education should include both theoretical and practical components. If the code of ethics has to influence the practice of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, concerned authorities must take these suggestions to heart. Otherwise, the code will only be good on paper.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Wireless Fingerprinting Attendance
This project presents the design methodology of wireless fingerprint management system for easy and time saving attendance. The project is used for the attendance of students at Institution. Since the project is wireless it is portable. As the student impress their fingerprint against the scanner the fingerprint module will match all the points of the fingerprint with the enrolled database. The data is maintained in the main PC. The WIFI present in the raspberry Pi b3 is used for the data transmission. This device use computer or a PC as the host device to store and verify the fingerprints. Through this automatic system time and manpower is reduced to great extent.Keywords-wireless communication, fingerprint module, raspberry Pi b3, host device. Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional wire attendance system, a design method of wireless fingerprint attendance system based on inbuilt WIFI technology is proposed. The system includes terminal fingerprint acquisition module and attendance management module in computer. It can realize automatically such functions as information acquisition of fingerprint, processing, wireless transmission, fingerprint matching, and attendance management. However, the inclusion of integrated Bluetooth 4.1 and 802.11n WIFI will please many, as it'll reduce the need to scour component sites for cheap USB dongles. The Wi-Fi is particularly good news, as it means you'll no longer need to take up one of your precious USB ports with a Wi-Fi adaptor. The experiment results show the transmission time is saved over one third and transmission efficiency is improved greatly. It realized low-cost and high-performance wireless fingerprint attendance function, which provided a new wireless fingerprint attendance system for enterprises and institutions. In the proposed paper complete development and implementation of attendance management system is provided. Various modulus which constitutes different parts of the attendance management system are explained using their hardware requirement.SYSTEM DISCRIPTIONThe description of complete attendance management system is given below. The below two sections 2.1 and 2.2 tells us completely about the hardware used in the system and the structure of the system. In the Section 2.2 the flow of the data that is shared with the database or the server in the attendance system is shown.2.1. System Hardwarea) Fingerprint module: The GT-511C3 is a fingerprint module which consists of a fingerprint scanner. It is a small embedded module that consists of an optical sensor mounted on a small circuit board. The optical sensor sca ns a fingerprint and the microcontroller and the software provides the modules functionality which automatically processes the scanned finger. The FPS consists of four pins as shown in fig(a). The pins are as follows: Fig. a Fingerprint Module1-UART Transmit (3.3V)2-UART Receive (3.3V)3-GND 4-Vin (5V)b) RASPBEERY PI B3-Fig. b Raspberry Pi b3c) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)-Fig. c LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)2.2. Data flow in the systemThe system consists of two parts i.e. a) the ‘hardware' part and b) the ‘software' part. The hardware includes all the components listed above in the figure including the LED, switches etc. The data flow in the fingerprint management system is shown in fig. d .Fig. d Flow of dataThe Enrolment and Authentication is done using the fingerprint scanner present in the fingerprint module. This fingerprint module is connected to the Raspberry Pi interfacing pins also called as GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins. The fingerprint module works in majorly two modes Master Mode- In this mode every student will be getting registered as a new user and that data will be stored in the ROM present in the fingerprint module with a unique id.User Mode- In this mode we will be verifying the scanned images with the stored images. During this verification if the match is available than the data is further send to the Raspberry Pi and through it is stored in the database.The flow of the project is as shown below:Fig .e Flow of project.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Article response paper to womb for rent--for a price by ellen goodman
Response paper to womb for rent--for a price by ellen goodman - Article Example The process to make the child is known is in vitro fertilization, during which the egg is fertilized with the sperm outside of the womb and then placed into the surrogate mother’s womb to complete the typical pregnancy process. There are many ethic concerns in regard to this new, high-tech method of conception and birth. The reason that I choose this article was due to the fact that it presented an interesting, unique topic pertaining to medical ethics, science, and optional forms of starting a family. While there may be many concerns in regard to the ethical issues that such a procedure can bring about, I disagree with the author’s stance that in vitro fertilization with surrogate mothers has put humans on the marketplace. There are a few methods in which a person or a couple can start a family. They can conceive the child themselves, they can adopt, they can go about doing both of the aforementioned methods, or they can become artificially inseminated, which is fairly common among single women who wish to start families. However, there are fewer options when a couple, especially the woman, is simply unable to give birth to children. In many cases of infertility in women, their uteruses are the wrong shape or width to properly house a growing fetus. Therefore, while her eggs may be fine and her husband’s sperm does what it should, her body is unable to sustain a fetus without drastic results. Most cases in which women with wrong-shaped uteruses do get pregnant usually end in miscarriage. These women are only left with the option to adopt if they want to start a family. This is something that the article fails to mention. Now, however, due to the amazing growth of science, women with good eggs b ut a bad female reproductive tract can have their eggs fertilized by their husband’s sperm and planted in a healthy uterus for growth. While being a surrogate
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Research Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Research Analysis - Essay Example The hypothesis being tested is : Would a certain discussion type have a significant influence on rigorous instruction? The study adapted the concept of Academic Rigor as a means of measuring reading comprehension. This was specifically used since the researchers believed that Academic Rigor is one of the Principles of Learning that engages active use of knowledge among learners. The researchers learning expectations were quite high since they wanted to observe critical thinking among participants. Among the literature review, the study cited Brown’s collaborative dialogue. Brown’s theory is often used in what we call collaborative classrooms†wherein knowledge is shared between teachers and students. Teachers do not only use skill but â€Å"also value and build upon the knowledge, personal experiences, language, strategies, and culture that students bring to the learning situation†( Tinzmann,, 1990). The study also mentioned the concept of Academic Rigor which is often misunderstood. Actually , a good definition of academic rigor is â€Å" sufficient time be devoted to a topic or unit of study and that students would have an opportunity to explore it in depth, developing questions as they go along†( Chapter 7:A-4,, 2005). Apparently, a lot of educators today have the wrong perception of this term resulting to unmet expectations in classroom learning. The study also presented Applebee’s study on the importance of disc ussion-based activities. However, Adler ( 2003) emphasized that discussion is effective if it is monologic wherein the teacher does not confine the lesson through lecture and seatwork. Discussion-based is not a new concept anymore but a more important thing is how it is being implemented in the classroom. In short, the literature review emphasizes the importance of collaborative dialogue, types of classroom talks that can enhance learning and the applicability of Academic Rigor in promoting
Does citizenship require political participation Discuss Essay
Does citizenship require political participation Discuss - Essay Example This essay will illustrate the question: Does citizenship require political participation. Is any bona fide member of a state or community or country expected and required to participate in the politics of a state whether actively or passively? This argument has raged on for some time now. Citizenship is also a sensitive issue whose stipulations have been drafted in most country’s constitutions. For some countries, in order to become a citizen, it requires a matter of hours or minutes. To some, however, like the US and the stable western economies, acquisition of citizenship by foreigners is very tedious and extremely grueling. It also takes a longer time span for one’s documents to be analyzed and vetted. The law has further set aside rules that govern acceptance of application for citizenship in a country. The essay will try and answer the question whether Citizenship requires political participation. The paper will first exhaust the issue of citizenship. It will then further analyze the concept of political participation. In my opinion, citizenship truly requires political participation. It is, therefore, every citizen’s responsibility to ensure they take part of the political events of their place of region. Citizenship There are different approaches to the issue in different countries, but the principles of citizenship are alike. Citizenship is any form of status given to an individual either in the form of rights and privileges or in the form of duties and benefits. These forms of status are given to an individual by the state. In the US, for example, citizenship confers to a person a number of rights for example the right to living and having jobs or working in the US. The person is further accorded federal assistance and any form of government services. As a result of this, citizenship confers to an individual the right to own a US passport. This type of document identifies a person anywhere in the world as being from the country. C itizenship is a stepwise procedure. In Canada for example, about 170,000 people from many parts of the world flock to Canadian embassy offices to apply for citizenship. As a result of this, becoming a citizen of Canada requires a stepwise process so that the land can sustain the new citizens. The first process is determining whether the applicant is eligible to become a citizen. In case the individual is eligible. The individual is then allowed to apply for the citizenship. A citizenship test will then follow. This test is extremely grueling. Only persons between 18 to 54 years are allowed to take the tests, otherwise if one does not lie within the age bracket, they are not expected to prepare (Glassman 2008, p46). Just like Canada, the process of Citizenship is so grueling making many interested visitors not succeed in the exercise. Different countries have different aspects of citizenship. There are different aspects of Citizenship. Dual citizenship is an example of this aspect. I n the US, for example, a citizen of the US has the freedom to be a citizen of another country. The citizen will be accorded the benefits that are specific to the country in question. However, this is not the case in most countries especially for countries of the third world (Glassman 2008, p45). There are different ways through which one can become a citizen of a country. For example, one becomes a citizen of a country automatically through birth. If one is born within the quarters of a country, he/she
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Consulting critical path analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Consulting critical path analysis - Case Study Example duce products that are innovative in the real sense which is wasting a lot of resources and time of the company, therefore this should also be looked at and the company should come up with a better plan of where and how to invest the capital. All these steps are vital to be carried out in an order so that the company can benefit from them. The first step towards coming up with an optimal solution would be to find a common ground for both the technical and sales team. This has to be done in order to work collaboratively with more resources to help solve the case. The technical and the sales team might seem an odd couple, but these days a product’s success depend upon the cooperation, ability, and willingness of the teams involved in it. Despite the differences between the technical and sales team, they are more linked then they actually think. In order to achieve success for themselves it is important that they work together for the success of the product, or a strategy in this case, from product launch concept to its implementation both of the teams’ efforts are required. Therefore, it is important that this not so odd couple be realized that there is only one way to conquer their common goal; to work together. Once both the teams realize the common ground between them, the strategy formulation stage wou ld be made easy and highly productive. (Kelly, 2002) The second stage that needs to be undertaken is the research stage. The case presented states that there has not been enough research done on the following issue, and without much analysis the consultants have highlighted the high volume of the products as the main reason for the decline in sales. Therefore, it is important to be sure of the issue and do additional research for that matter. In the research stage, the research teams carry out a consumer survey to find out their preferences and come forward with solid results supported by genuine facts and figures. If still the result is the same then the next
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Research Proposal - Essay Example For instance, IBM is availing opportunities to enable managers to obtain necessary skills as well as an orientation for coping with the different culture (Okoro, 2013). According to Kawar (2012), cross-cultural communication can be defined as the study of how people of different cultural background can communicate with each in relation to same or different topics. Kawar (2012) also, addresses that today cross-cultural communication is essential for international business due to the development of global business, internet and technology (Kawar, 2012). Okoro (2013), also addresses that cross cultural communication is essential in international business for conducting the different needs of IBM effectively with the use of advanced technologies and internet. Through the cross-cultural communication, managers at IBM Limited can communicate with the people belonging from different cultures. In addition, it can effectively gain insight into the different operations that needs to be undertaken for conducting successful international business (Okoro, 2013). According to Guang & Trotter (2012), for the enhancement of successful international business, there should be collaboration between various departments at Coal India Limited and the cross-cultural communication. However, Guang & Trotter (2012), in his article does not cover what types of problem a manager can face in the process of communicating with people of foreign countries while travelling abroad for the first time. Therefore, there should be further research related to the sele cted topic to mitigate the number of gaps. These gaps should be identified to develop potential solutions through which the problem can be solved (Guang & Trotter, 2012). On the other hand, Matthews & Thakkar (2012) comments, there should be effective communication among the managers and juniors employees to reduce the organizational problem and chances of grapevine in communication could be reduced largely.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Sacred Realm of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Sacred Realm of Art - Essay Example The essay provided distinct art forms exemplified by four religions, to wit: the jade statue of the ancient Olmecs, revealed to have existed some 1500 to 300 b.c.; the masks of the indigenous Bwa from West Africa; the painting of images of the Tathagata Buddha from Central Tibet; and the painting of the image of the Virgin Mary, as Madonna Enthroned from Italy. There were marked differences but also intriguing similarities depicting prominent figures, profound meanings, portrayal of messages through expressions, positions of body parts and symbolisms. The jade figure of the ancient Olmecs, for instance, revealed contrasting expressions of two images manifesting the significant role of a shaman, an intermediary between two worlds. The masks of the Bwa people, on the other hand, likewise serve as a spiritual manifestation of presence that provides guidance and assistance to humans through various traditions and practices. The comparative discourse provided by the paintings of the image s of the Tathagata Buddha and the Madonna Enthoned showed remarkable similarities despite the diversity in religious beliefs. Depicting the central image as the signifying the most reverent role in the respective religions (Buddhist and Christian), the juxtaposition of body parts (hand, face, and other images) give meaning to the viewers.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Globalization & Development of economies Essay Example for Free
Globalization Development of economies Essay Globalization has been perceived as a beneficial factor in the development of economies, technological advancements as well as sociological and political development. However, not everyone gains from these benefits. Instead, other nations particularly the developing states are subjected to the dangerous effects of globalization. The truth about globalization is while the benefits may be enjoyed by a few individual states, the negative impacts of globalization are felt by all the nations in the world. Globalization and the associated changes in the social work organization has led to a creation of economic systems where various corporations are increasingly moving around the world to find the cheapest labor possible. A good example is out the trend of outsourcing, which is quite common in the modern world of business. Cheap labor in this context is reproduced through political, social, technological and economic means which allows corporations to pay extremely low wages to the workers. Globalization has led to a number of technological innovations and technology has played a pivotal role in the reshaping of the social organization of work. The introduction of computers and information technologies has greatly changed the work setting. For instance, the shift from demands for physical work to mental, intellective operations and information handling has substituted the skills of all collar workers. This has reshaped the social organization of work. The overall effect of such changes is the reduction of employment and the eventual reduction in the wage levels among the workers performing physical work. The social organization changes of capitalism have intensified the effect of globalization and affected how employment and labor relationship is regulated. This has mainly been seen through the intensification of acquisition and cross-border mergers where companies value the importance of mergers and acquisitions in order to increase the strength of business. There has also been a pronounced trend of the global corporations of transforming themselves into organizers and coordinators of activities performed by suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors. This has had a significant effect to the regulation of employment and labor relationship leading to the production of cheap labor. Through globalization, employers can easily subcontract and outsource cheap labor from different states which further allows global corporate to externalize and reduce the costs that are incurred from employing directly. Outsourcing of labor makes the employers to pay low wages since they can choose to employ from states where cheap labor is readily available. The political instability, poor living standards and poorly developed economies in developing states have all contributed to the reproduction of cheap labor and global corporations are taking advantage of this. In order to avoid further tearing of the social fabric caused by globalization, consumers and /or producers of cheap labor should devise machineries to provide salient working conditions with improved wage levels. This can be achieved by setting the international wage minimums that will prevent the overexploitation of workers from the developing countries. All workers with similar qualifications should earn on the basis of a unified wage rate. The increased acquisition and merging of companies can be beneficial as it increases the strength of business in a synergistic manner. However, agreements should first be made to integrate the social values of each company and respect the rights of employees of each of the merged companies. Through this, the benefits of globalization can be reaped by both the developing and the developed states or the producers and consumers of labor. Reference: Amin, M. (2009). The effect of globalization, labor fexibilization and national industrial relations systems on human resource management. International Business Research. 2(4), 36-45. http://www. ccsenet. org/journal/index. php/ibr/article/viewFile/3910/3434
Saturday, September 21, 2019
How Technology Changed Design Process
How Technology Changed Design Process Consider for a moment the argument of good vs. evil. Neither can seem ably exist alone, without the other surfacing or breaking the mould at one time or another. Now consider the historical friction between the arts crafts era of design and todays computer aided magnificence. As soon as design aids such as AutoCAD, and laser cutters were created, people began to argue for the loss of design origins and individuality; some may even say its soul and character. Those who were enticed by this new technology that allowed production to be executed in half the time on twice the scale, were in awe, and naturally as with all two sided battles, alliances were formed. Gone are the days of hand carving and endlessly tiring man hours in workshops shouted the people of the future, what takes you a week and four men, takes us a day with a computer, with no need for getting grubby. The conceptual age of design was truly revolutionized by computers, no argument there, but was it necessarily a good thing? No! shouted the people of tradition, where you exceed us in production you lack in character, where is the heart and soul? The attention to detail absorbed through precise workmanship and craft? (Pemble, 2010) Once again I feel that their argument is sound, but is it not also a prime case of people fearing what they do not understand? As is the case with all arguments, it often takes a step back and a good long look at both sides of the case to induce or create a compromise that allows both sides to advance further than they imagined. For this we need to begin in Weimar, Germany, the year is 1919 and the Bauhaus school of Art design is formed. Throughout Europe, world war one had clearly left its mark. The German state lay in disarray and its economy lay in tatters and after the initial turmoil over the future of Germany. Whether it be soviet communist or capitalist German, several factors were set in stone, the way of imperialist grandeur and ornamentalism design had to change, the transformation of emotional Expressionism to the matter-of-fact New Objectivity (Minusfive 2006). This gave the German organisation, Deutscher Werkbund, founded in 1907 and considered the forerunner to the Bauhaus, a newfound vessel for their visions of design. The Werkbunds aim was: to harness the new potentials of mass production, with a mind towards preserving Germanys economic competitiveness (MinusFive 2006). This kind of agenda for change become apparent in many areas of design, it may have originated in architecture, with the Werkbunds idea of economical production for housing and the built environment, but it spread to even the most men ial of objects, combining industrial methods with artistic flair, an example I suppose being envelopes. Up until 1840 all envelopes were handmade, cut from paper and constructed before being used to send mail. However, in that year a British man George Wilson derived a method of mass production from the geometric layout called tessellation. This enabled multiple envelopes to be cut simultaneously minimising the waste cut paper. Only five years later the production of envelopes was revolutionized further by two men, Edwin Hill and Warren De La Rue, whom pioneered a steam pressing machine that enabled the cutting, folding and gumming process of envelopes all to be done in one stage. As was to happen less than a century later to various crafts, the traditional method of production died slowly at first, then all together outclassed and outperformed by its machine age successor. Here is where the compromise between industrial and traditional methods is required. During my journey in which I created my own envelope design, I was able to see the merits and disadvantages of both ends of the spectrum. The first step was to take a standard sized envelope and dissect, analyse, and recreate it, several times, to get the feel for and a thorough understanding of its design. I then, from a purely conceptual view, came up with my design, which was to be a clasp sealing disc shaped envelope. I then repeated the process i used for an existing design, for my own, entailing technical drawings, models, prototypes, and experimentations, until I came up with my finalised design. Here is where the best of both worlds comes into its own. If I were to embark on this project in an identical fashion, but in a 3D virtual computer world via programs such as CAD and 3DSMax, it would be quicker; however there would be no feel for the design, certainly no character, and there would be no way of knowing if it worked, or how it were to assemble. Tactility is one of the charms of handmade works. It was at this point that I was encouraged to investigate the more industrial side of production, so after transferring my design from hand drawn plans to an AutoCAD design, It was then onto the laser cutter, which essentially is a robotic device that reads the lines, line weights, and colours of lines to determine where needs to be cut or scored on the material placed under the laser. Now here comes the difficult part, but does prove to be the part that pays off, as the laser cutter is undeniably fiddly to setup and calibrate with regards line weights, fold lines and cuts. In this sense, there is still no smooth transition between man and machine, as it took several attempts for the laser cutter to understand the design, however that said, once calibrated it is the perfect tool for recreating a single design on a mass production level. Modern methods have thankfully taken the stress and immense man hours required out of hand production and tradition, but the integration and principles of tradition and good design should never become fully digitalised like its successor. Just like the argument of analogue vs. digital regarding timepieces, each will have their role as one simply wouldnt exist were it not for the original. The point of this investigation for me is that both modern and traditional crafts both have their roles, and as many influential figures agree, neither should be neglected nor overlooked, for they both hold merits. Technology has indeed renovated the design world, but in todays society it does on occasion overpower and fail to do itself justice, leaving the piece cold, generic and grey, failing to do itself justice. This as with most aspects of the design world boils back down to the roots of the Bauhaus. Take for instance the idea of Bauhaus furniture design, it wanted to maintain the traditions of soul in design, along with logic, so for instance a better thought out design made with more economic materials and technologies, but still manually overseen or produced would therefore potentially be the perfect design formula. Enter Mies Van Der Rohe. Originally from Aachen, he moved to Berlin in 1905. At the age of 19, he was unqualified and spent his time hopping between building sites. Not exactly the start in life most would stereotypically associate with a famous architect, whom set about change we feel the benefits of today. The tasks of design and construction were combined in his early education, not separated by increasingly common divisions between architect and builder. (Zimmerman C. 2006, p.7) Mies van Der Rohe was trained as an accomplished bricklayer and stonemason under apprenticeship of his father, but also trained as a proficient draftsman, after taking a keen interest in design whilst he worked for a specialized plasterwork company. He saw the need for an understanding of both the ends of the construction spectrum from the initial spark of an idea, to the laying of foundations, so that he may design more efficiently. Riehl House was his first commission under recommendation of a colleague at Bruno Paul architects, and was finished in 1907. The young Mies proved himself able to design and build competently, even skilfully, and capable of productively engaging the most contemporary issues of the architectural world in Berlin at the time. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.19) This was only the beginning of a long and fruitful career for Mies, and this subliminal theme was present throughout his career, the breakaway from tradition and supposed acceptable form, in favour of modular, efficient modern materials in design. This ability to draw and recollect from the design ethos of yesteryear, and combine it with the forefront of technology to create something that is not only perfected in its balance, but also pleases a wider audience is an ability he seldom neglected. A prime example is of this is dark red masonry built Lange and Esters House. The esters and Lange buildings were both surfaced in dark brick; but they are only partially bearing-wall structures. They were among the first modern buildings to free brick from its load bearing function. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.33) It gives the appearance of a traditionally built house of the time, yet modernised in aesthetics slightly, and due to its modular skeleton of steel it allows the large open views that it contains, and for the first time in German architectural history, the spatial design dictated the structural calculations. Just like with his most prolific of projects like the Seagram building, IIT centre and exhibition hall in Berlin (ironically his career peaked both as he left and later returned to the city) he used the most modern of approaches to construct the building yet he still remained true to the classical ideals of open flowing space, secular views, and the overall mastery of the space provided. I suppose a pinnacle case study would be that of the Barcelona Pavilion. After being accepted into the Werkbund in 1927, Mies was commissioned by the German Reich to design and build the 1928 World exhibition in Barcelona. With its beautiful classical onyx and marble walling, and chrome framed glass facades of multiple shades, it was the epitome of form with function, a piece de resistance of the Bauhaus vision. Instead of the normal layout of conventional housing or building, it followed Mies combination of Rhythmic movement and carefully composed views. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.39) Though beautiful, like all individual prototypes it was slightly flawed (due to insufficient budget and lack of specialised materials, the prolific flat roof was susceptible to water damage and nearly ruined the entire structure), but just like the method of trial and error in many of the hand crafts, Mies learnt from his mistakes, and embraced them with his future projects, like the Seagram building and IIT, whereby he perfected his steel frame designs that have revolutionized todays construction. The Seagram building was undoubtedly in this paradigmatic fashion. It is often seen as the finest high-rise building Mies ever built. No longer looking back to past historical design for legitimation, the building presents the architecture of capitalism with its most essential, concentrated face. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.16) Just like in my investigation into envelope design, sometimes things can be flawed; the important part is learning from it and being able to continue. This is where I feel that by doing all of the experimenting stage by hand, with copious amounts of trial and error, I managed to succeed in a design that as viewed by others was vitally flawed, my point being this. The initial design criteria given to me was that the envelope had to be capable of holding this essay and any accompanying notes, drawings, work etc and my design being circular was therefore flawed, considering all of my notes and work is on rectangular pieces of paper. It may seem like a very simple answer to a glaring omission, but I have simply decided to enlarge the size of the envelope, and changed its own criteria in that it will be more like a folder, capable of holding my work. Just as alterations were needed to my envelope, drastic alterations were needed to the world of design. The winds had changed direction, and change was coming. As with a lot of the architects of the time and followers of the Neues Bauen, people frowned upon this new rationale of design. By 1933 many architects of Neues Bauen understood their precarious status in national socialist Germany, and many emigrated. (Zimmerman C. 2006 p.14) With the tension growing rapidly in Germany, and the intolerance of the now empowering Nazi party quickly showing itself, the design world soon became a focal point. With its grand imperialist nature, the new Reich wanted its capital to show this. However tradition ruled the waves. As soon as the National socialist party came to power the Bauhaus was voluntarily closed by its members, knowing the view of the new Reich and how its left wing ideals would be dealt with. Nazi writers like Wilhelm Frick and Alfred Rosenberg had labelled the Bauhaus un-German and criticized its modernist styles (MinusFive 2006) Many architects of the time soon began to emigrate, restrictions upon Mies own work was imposed and his security was soon threatened. In 1938 he made a career changing choice and emigrated to the United States of America. Here I feel began the true nature of ingenious design. By that I mean the ability to cover the entire spectra, correcting the negatives and reinforcing the positives, and fulfilling the Bauhaus ideals of singular design. The Seagram building was by any standard, miles ahead of its competitors. Yet it achieved this without claiming to be the future, or resenting the past. With classic interiors, a classy dark outside skin of externally mounted bronze, and topaz tinted glass; it not only looked the part, but also integrated frontier technology, to aid in wind buffering and reduce UV glare/heat. Its latticed modular steel framework also represented the way forward, not only with its curtain walling efficiency that allowed simple mountings for the traditional venetian blinds, but also with regards a lighter, stronger, more adaptable construction method that retained so called classic features. However, the buildings piece de rà ©sistance is what many of todays skyscrapers have to thank. Before Mies got his hands on the commission, he looked at the competitors, the other structural locale, and also back at his previous concepts. He then did what no one else had done. He set the tower a reasonable distance back from the street and created what we see throughout todays cities, urban landscaping. By creating this public space, this void filler that bridged the public and private sector he thereby integrated the Seagram immediately with its environment, it was this sort of thinking, that put Mies one step ahead, enabling him to cater perfectly for both ends of the spectrum by simply thinking outside of the box, where no others considered or dared to. It paid dividends, whilst also setting the trend of vertical design for decades to come. Conclusion Balance is what enables many things in life to perform at their respective bests, from the balance of work and social, to the balance of a relationship, and none more so than the design world. When it comes to the argument of traditional vs. Modern, the initial stages of design should always respect their roots, thus keeping to hand drawn methods, crafts, and human investigation like sketching and model making. It is all too easy to rely solely upon CAD and other such programs that have made some of todays design rather inert and cold, without human charm, and the only possible preservative of these features is the maintaining of traditional methods and heritage to keep the human signature alive. The investigation I carried out made this all too apparent, that relying upon technology to carry a design from inception to creation is a vitally flawed theory, and that without sacrifice of man hours and effort with my own skills, my envelope would be nowhere near as thorough or well desig ned, not saying that it is a perfect example, but what designer is without his or hers mistakes? Far too many things in life have slipped into the vast abyss that is history and all because weve become too eager and thirsty for this new age of production ease, of technological employment, whereby objects are no longer designed, they are manufactured, devoid of all the initial ingenuity. The radically simplified forms, the rationality and functionality, and the idea that mass-production was reconcilable with the individual artistic spirit. (MinusFive 2006) Within the last century, the Bauhaus is the only thing that has come in the way of the seemingly unstoppable machine age. It questioned craftsmanship vs. Mass production, usefulness vs. Beauty, and mainly whether a singular proper combined form could exist. In many areas it succeeded, especially in furniture design, with the likes of Breuer and Stam, whom renovated modern furniture with the cost effective use of steel, providing form and the most necessary function. At the end of the day, the dispute over the necessitation of design evolution will rage for years to come, the important factor which I cannot emphasise enough is the compromise, the balance, the equilibrium, and however many other words there are to describe the simple fact that both are equally as important as the other. One of the main objectives of the Bauhaus was to unify art, craft, and technology. The machine was considered a positive element, and therefore industrial and product design were important components (MinusFive 2006)
Friday, September 20, 2019
Effects of Government Price Ceilings
Effects of Government Price Ceilings Markets, International Trade, Government Donna Green Governments have stepped in and set minimum and maximum prices ever since they have had control over the populace. Just in the United States alone, governments have predetermined the price of gasoline, added rent control to housing in New York City, and even fixed a minimum on unskilled labors wages. However, sometimes governments may tend to go past simply establishing price floors and price ceilings, and attempt to take over the prices of the general markets. This was done throughout World War I and World War II, as well as during the Korean War in the United States. The attraction of controlling prices is logical. These types of controls offer an assurance of protecting those that might be specifically hard-pressed to endure an increase to prices. Nevertheless, by doing so, the governments may sometimes fall short in shielding consumers and at the same time damage others. In the first scenario we are faced with the government setting a price ceiling on gasoline. Price ceilings are created to prevent prices of a product from exceeding a set maximum. However, if this is not done with the utmost caution, and the price in which the ceiling is set is below the equilibrium, it can create a drastic shortage of the product. As seen in the graph below, in order to maintain an even flow between price and demand, the government would have needed to set a price ceiling of no less than approximately $50/barrel to avoid shortages back in June of 2012. For example, 1973 and1979, the United States set a price ceiling on gasoline, which was below the equilibrium (Rockoff, 2008). This caused sellers to sale gas on a first-come-first-served basis, which also caused many consumers to have to wait in extensive lines to acquire gasoline as well as creating shortages. This is just one obvious example of the kind of chaos that can be created from the government setting a price ceiling on the gasoline market. That being said, a price ceiling can be a good thing at times. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina was on its way to impact the southeast United States coast. As impact was determined and warnings went out, many convenient stores significantly raised their gasoline prices overnight. This is known as price gauging. It is against the law, and a price ceiling is one way of preventing these types of circumstances from taking place and abusing consumers. These laws also apply to the other end of the spectrum to protect the populace. There is also a flip side to price ceilings where the government may set a minimum price. In the second scenario we have the government setting a minimum wage for unskilled laborers also called minimum wage. This is called a price floor. In 1992 a survey of economists was published asking them about general controls. With the statement made, â€Å"Wage-price controls are a useful policy option in the control of Inflation,†there were only 8.4% who agreed, there were 17.7% who agreed with qualifications, but the majority of 73.9% disagreed (Alston et al. 1992, p. 204). The price floor on wages could causeunemployment levels to rise, although they do increase the overall income of laborers in the regulated markets. As we see in the chart below, minimum wage versus the job market is inelastic, meaning that as minimum wage rises, the amount of employed laborers falls, increasing unemployment rates. Do to inflation, minimum wage does need to be adjusted to a degree, however, that d egree is a very sensitive one, and governments must take this into consideration. Price ceilings floors, however, are not the only issues that can significantly affect the economic market. Governments also have to deal with international trade. International Trade is the trading of services and products between at least two countries. Mankiw states ‘all countries can benefit from trading one another because trade allows each country to specialize in doing what it does best, ’ (Mankiw, 2013). This simply means that international trade is based upon the foundation that each country alone is not able to produce everything they need with the resources at their disposal and stay inside a minimum cost and quality range. The households benefit by having the ability to attain the best products at the lowest prices. Countries benefit because they can focus their resources in producing extra of the products which have a more comparative advantage and trading the overflow for those products they are short on. Also countries exporting earn foreign exchange which helps with obligations towards international debt, and can even increase appreciation of their currency. Th e owners of the exported products also get an advantage by increasing the prices in-line with global pricing, which is normally higher than the domestic prices. There are also losses to international trading that can occur. For one, this trading creates a dependency on other countries which can become an issue under circumstances such as political disagreements or even war. For instance, almost every country imports oil from countries like OPEC and Venezuela (Mankiw, 2013). If even one of these two countries were to stop exporting oil, much of the world would be at a standstill in less than a month because of these dependencies. There are other issues that can also affect importing and exporting with other countries such as tariffs, which is a fee that is assessed on imports. This can be done in several different ways, but the most common is the ‘specific tariff,’ which is a simple per unit charge. Governments may do this to help increase revenue or to protect domestic markets and industries from the competition from foreigners (Investopedia, 2013). This charge must be paid by the exporting country to the importing country. However, this can also lead to trade wars, as the other countries may start to add tariffs themselves to all of their imports. The WTO (World Trade Organization) is in place to ensure avoidance of just such issues being exaggerated. We can see how a tariff plays a role of increasing the price of imported goods in the graph below. It is important to understand that tariffs are not the only taxes that can affect the price of products and services. Governments tax most everything with the exception of groceries. For example, taxes on gasoline are one of the hottest debated among economists. There have been numerous studies exploring the effects of a range of gasoline taxes and how they might affect supply and demand (Picker, 2013). The bulk of the revenue generated from gasoline tax is placed in the Highway Trust Fund. Debates started in the early 2000’s over the use of gasoline taxes to create revenue (Ferguson, 2007). There are those policymakers who believe that the tax should be reduced or even suspended all together. Mankiw reasons that an increase in the gasoline tax, even by just one dollar, would produce $100 billion revenue in the first year (Mankiw, 2006). This money could be used to start paying off on the deficient; however, some policymakers fear that it will just increase government spending. Therefore, the efficiency of the revenue is dependent upon how the government uses the funds. Also, taxes make the t otal price per gallon go up for consumers, who, as we have seen in the past, may look to alternative means of travel to save the cash, which will actually cause revenues to decrease as the demand for gasoline decreases (shown in the chart below). There are many different factors that can influence and affect the economic structure of the country. From price ceilings to price floors, along with federal taxes and tariffs on imports, every aspect of economics has its advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the households, firms, governments, and countries to work together to keep the economy flourishing with growth. References Alston, R. M., Kearl, J. R. Vaughan, M. B.. (1992). â€Å"Is There a Consensus Among Economists in the 1990’s?†American Economic Review82: 203–209. Retrieved from Ferguson, J. (2007). â€Å"Should the US increase the Federal Gas Tax?†Major Themes in Economics. Retrieved from Investopedia. (2013). Tariff. Retrieved on January 14, 2014 from: Mankiw, N. G. (2013) Principles of Economics[VitalSouce bookshelf version]. Retrieved from Mankiw, N. G. (2006), â€Å"Raise the Gas Tax,†Wall Street Journal, A12. Retrieved from Picker, L. (2013).The Effect of Gasoline Taxes on Work Effort. Retrieved from Rockoff, H. (2008).Price Controls. Retrieved from
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Living Through God: The Meaning of a Christian :: social issues
Living Through God: The Meaning of a Christian "Without God, the thinkers of the world will never grasp the meanings of life, origin and destiny†, so the strong spirited young woman remarks about life. Teenagers today appraise their lives through school, work, and friends. Often times, there is one type of teenager that displays a greater attitude, in which whom goes beyond the obvious by simply shining a little brighter. A courageous teen of determination, providing inspiration, possesses such positive attributes, gives reason to classify her by inspiring and strengthening the youth of today. On October 25, 1985, an individual, so concise, diminutive, or what seemed to be not much of great impact of this world, was born. Subsequently, becoming one that gives profound importance in the hearts of those she will touch. Arica Helaine Ingratta, a teenager of uniqueness in every way, persists by perceiving life by one entity, God. Initially, Arica procures from a family consisting of a younger brother, an older sister, a set of parents, one dog, two cats, and a hamster. Indeed, one may perceive this family to be a little unconventional; it is. Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, Arica grew up with a strong grasp on life from the very beginning. Her story entitles one to be unique, inspiring, and meaningful. â€Å"Arica Helaine†, derives from her father’s name, Ericolino, and Helen, the name of her mother. Her beginnings of education sets out at St. Gabriel’s catholic school where, in grade 4, she transferred schools to the Maranatha Christian Academy and later to First Lutheran Christian Academy where she developed a fundamental Christian basis. She was an intelligent, little princess that was often called â€Å"peanut†. An asset to her character is her genuine smile. Filled with energy and ambitions, she carries a strong spirit in whatever she does or is determined in becoming; so on to discover the meaning of life. Having acquired from a Christian family, she learns the meaning of God through her parents and school. While the world celebrated the coming of the New Year on December 31st of 1998, Arica was celebrating a rather different event. At a Christian concert, she became saved by accepting God into her life. She developed a personal relationship with God while continuing to live through Him. While many young teenagers were thriving about their girlfriends or boyfriends, their physical appearances, or the newest pop artist, Arica, by age 14, determined in becoming a youth Evangelist.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Passive Voice Essays -- Research Paper Language Papers
The Passive Voice The English language has two voices--the active and the passive. The active voice and the passive voice differ in that a passive verb phrase has an additional auxiliary BE followed by an EN participle. In a sense, the English passive is "inflexible" when compared to the passive formation of other languages. For example, some languages use word order, verb inflections, and impersonal constructions to form the passive voice. In their book, The Grammar Book: ESL/EFL Teacher's Course, Celce-Murcia and Larson-Freeman demonstrate how the Bantu passive voice differs from the English passive voice. "Kingarwanda, a Bantu language, can make even a locative phrase the subject of the passive as in On the bus was eaten a sandwich by John, which would not be acceptable in English" (221). Furthermore, topicalization is another "grammar issue" which differs from language to language. In the Kingarwanda sentence, On the bus was eaten a sandwich by John, the center of attention or the topic of the sen tence is the phrase On the bus. Since languages have different rules which govern topicalization, several languages may not accept On the bus as the topic of a sentence. In the book, Clear and Coherent Prose, William Vande Kopple discusses topicalization in the English language. Kopple states that the English language uses topicalizers to "fulfill special functions in essays" (41). Several of these functions are: focusing the reader's attention on a specific part of a sentence, expressing given or "old" information at the beginning of a sentence, marking changes in topics, and lastly, setting contrasts between one topic and another (41). Since there are differences in topicalization and the formation of the passive voice, no... ...I must make my students aware of these differences. Moreover, I want my student to understand both the active and the passive voice and be able to choose which voice to use in their writing. Works Cited Aghbar, Ali. The New York Times Editorial Corpus. Alexander, L. G. Longman of English. New York: Longman Inc., 1988. Besnier, N., and Edward Finegan. Language: Its Structure and Use. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989. Celce-Murcia, M., and Diana Larson-Freeman. The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher's Course. Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers Inc., 1983. Kaplan, J. P. English Grammar: Principles and Facts. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1989. Kopple, William Vande. Clear and Coherent Prose: A Functional Approach. Boston: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1989. Lyles, B. A Basic Grammar of Modern English. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1989.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
MAR project team Essay
Strength Integrated Health consists a number of hospitals. Has an internal technology department – MIS. Has a large number of staff MAR project team is well rounded with technology. The institutions of Integrated Health are well known by the people in Tempe, Arizona. A non-profit organization, which means all the earned money minus the salary and daily operational costs of the institution, can be used for development. Weaknesses Utilizes manual processing of information. Low investment on automation. Chief Information Officer doesn’t have technical background. Some Directors doesn’t support automation and would rather have the traditional process. A large number of staff doesn’t agree with the change. Due to manual filings, specialists reported that patients endorsed to them doesn’t have files 30% of the time. Doesn’t have a change management process. MIS Staff are underestimated and their relevance is not clear to the whole organization Opportunities Lower of costs by investing on computerizing MAR. Can attract partnerships with insurance companies as they are becoming a trend. By investing in computerized MAR, less information would be missing or incorrect If medical tests would not be repeated unnecessarily, then operational costs can be lessen. Computer management of patient medication profiles offers the opportunity to enhance communication between pharmacists and nurses decrease medication errors and delays in delivery of therapy. enhance medication delivery accuracy and timeliness Threats If the computerized MAR is not implemented, insurance companies would not want to partner with Integrated Health. Increasing incorrect medical profiles of patients. If the computerized MAR is implemented, There will be dependence on its automation in the future and when it fails, operations will stop. Cost for further upgrades to fix bugs and improve services will be considered.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Not Everything That Is Learned Is Contained in Books
Learning is a good way to improve intelligence of human being. There are a lot of sources which people can learn from, such as books, works, social environment, reading and so on. Among these sources, learning from book is an efficient way to get a lot of knowledge. However, not all things are included in books and it is just a source for knowledge. It is probable that books are an enormous source of knowledge for the people to study. There are different types of books, for example novels, journals, scientific books, sociology books, news, reports and so on. When the basic education or specific field of interest is needed to study, learning from books is an effective way to be efficient in it. Some books give people the experience of the writers. These books are valuable for the people because although they did meet with this experience, they will easily know about these experiences. Therefore, books are a good source of knowledge for the people. On the other, reading books is not a perfect way of studying since not everything that is learned is contained in books. There are unlimited amount of knowledge and experience that we have to learn in our real lives, and it is called life experience. Life experience can only be found in the real life and learning from books will only be knowledge. For example, if a person gets a serious disease, only this person will know how serious it is and others people will know only as knowledge. This person may also improve the maturity by thinking how life is impermanent. Therefore, not everything that is learned is contained in books. In conclusion, studying form books is only a part of learning. The perfect way of learning is to learn from books and from real life as well.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Jump and Motocross
The engines rev higher with each second of the gate drop creeping closer, the vibrations of the motorcycle underneath you making you even more nervous, the smell of exhaust almost suffocating you inside your helmet, and in a split second the gate has dropped and 40 riders all funnel into the first turn. While some say it is just a simple race others see it as a lifestyle, a way to get off the edge, a high risk to fill their need for a rush, or just a quick shot of adrenaline. This is Motocross. The sport of Motocross is mostly looked upon as a death wish although it is very dangerous I think that the excitement and thrill is definitely worth the risk. It all started for me when I was five, my dad told me when I could ride my bike without training wheels he would get me a dirt bike. Soon enough I was waking up on Christmas morning to a motocross bike. After that it was like throwing a match into a bucket of gasoline. All I thought about was riding my dirt bike. It soon became much more than a sport to me. We would travel up and down the whole entire east coast to race with the fastest kids so I could get faster. We were almost never home on the weekends, we were either at a race or at a track putting in practice to hopefully one day fulfill the dream of becoming a professional. Although that dream is still very far and has slowly drawn to back of my mind I still want to be a professional more than anything else. My love for the sport has steadily grown stronger with every lap I have put in. It is something about the jitters you get right when you go to try a new a jump not knowing if you have enough power to make it or have too much and over jump it. That feeling you get right when the gate is about to drop is a sensation undescribeable by words. When the motors rev high and the seat rattles it is almost like a lullaby to put you into a mood to be serious, yet let all of your problems slip away, I honestly cannot describe why I love Motocross so much it is just an addiction that has grown on me. Once the gate is on the ground and all forty of the riders shoot into the first turn you have to be completely concentrated. After you break past the first turn it is a free for all to see who is the fastest. It is pure competition to the finish line and that’s why I love it. Motocross consists of many different obstacles corners, jumps, whoops, mud, and dust. Every corner is different, some have deep ruts and others are flat, no matter how tight or wide the corner is you have to go through it smooth and quick because 99% of the race is won in the corners. Jumps are probably the scariest part of the sport but once you get over the fear of it jumping becomes very second natured. When jumping jumps it is all about speed and body positioning, squeeze the bike with your legs and get over the front of the bike with your elbows up, then hold the throttle and hope for the best. Mud and dust all depend on whether it is hot or rainy or whether the track crew watered the track. Mud is very tricky to ride in because if you stop then it is very hard to get going again so you have to stay on the gas in the mud. When the track is dry and dusty you have to be easy on the throttle because if you give it to much throttle you will slide out. See Motocross is a very tricky sport but it something you adapt to and practice at and eventually you get better and better. When it really comes down to it Motocross has not only been a sport to me but it has been a life lesson to teach me self-control, discipline, and hard work. It all started with a simple promise that I would get a dirt bike if I could ride without training wheels. Now it is a lifestyle that I love so much and wouldn’t trade it for anything. Its many different obstacles can be a hard struggle to get through just like some of life’s struggles, but if you work hard and put your heart in it, it will be worth it in the end. Motocross is said to be a death wish but for me it is simply a way of life.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Seventy-two
Daenerys The land was red and dead and parched, and good wood was hard to come by. Her foragers returned with gnarled cottonwoods, purple brush, sheaves of brown grass. They took the two straightest trees, hacked the limbs and branches from them, skinned off their bark, and split them, laying the logs in a square. Its center they filled with straw, brush, bark shavings, and bundles of dry grass. Rakharo chose a stallion from the small herd that remained to them; he was not the equal of Khal Drogo's red, but few horses were. In the center of the square, Aggo fed him a withered apple and dropped him in an instant with an axe blow between the eyes. Bound hand and foot, Mirri Maz Duur watched from the dust with disquiet in her black eyes. â€Å"It is not enough to kill a horse,†she told Dany. â€Å"By itself, the blood is nothing. You do not have the words to make a spell, nor the wisdom to find them. Do you think bloodmagic is a game for children? You call me maegi as if it were a curse, but all it means is wise. You are a child, with a child's ignorance. Whatever you mean to do, it will not work. Loose me from these bonds and I will help you.†â€Å"I am tired of the maegi's braying,†Dany told Jhogo. He took his whip to her, and after that the godswife kept silent. Over the carcass of the horse, they built a platform of hewn logs; trunks of smaller trees and limbs from the greater, and the thickest straightest branches they could find. They laid the wood east to west, from sunrise to sunset. On the platform they piled Khal Drogo's treasures: his great tent, his painted vests, his saddles and harness, the whip his father had given him when he came to manhood, the arakh he had used to slay Khal Ogo and his son, a mighty dragonbone bow. Aggo would have added the weapons Drogo's bloodriders had given Dany for bride gifts as well, but she forbade it. â€Å"Those are mine,†she told him, â€Å"and I mean to keep them.†Another layer of brush was piled about the khal's treasures, and bundles of dried grass scattered over them. Ser Jorah Mormont drew her aside as the sun was creeping toward its zenith. â€Å"Princess . . . †he began. â€Å"Why do you call me that?†Dany challenged him. â€Å"My brother Viserys was your king, was he not?†â€Å"He was, my lady.†â€Å"Viserys is dead. I am his heir, the last blood of House Targaryen. Whatever was his is mine now.†â€Å"My . . . queen,†Ser Jorah said, going to one knee. â€Å"My sword that was his is yours, Dacnerys. And my heart as well, that never belonged to your brother. I am only a knight, and I have nothing to offer you but exile, but I beg you, hear me. Let Khal Drogo go. You shall not be alone. I promise you, no man shall take you to Vaes Dothrak unless you wish to go. You need not join the dosh khaleen. Come east with me. Yi Ti, Qarth, the JadeSea, Asshai by the Shadow. We will see all the wonders yet unseen, and drink what wines the gods see fit to serve us. Please, Khaleesi. I know what you intend. Do not. Do not.†â€Å"I must,†Dany told him. She touched his face, fondly, sadly. â€Å"You do not understand.†â€Å"I understand that you loved him,†Ser Jorah said in a voice thick with despair. â€Å"I loved my lady wife once, yet I did not die with her. You are my queen, my sword is yours, but do not ask me to stand aside as you climb on Drogo's pyre. I will not watch you burn.†â€Å"Is that what you fear?†Dany kissed him lightly on his broad forehead. â€Å"I am not such a child as that, sweet ser.†â€Å"You do not mean to die with him? You swear it, my queen?†â€Å"I swear it,†she said in the Common Tongue of the Seven Kingdoms that by rights were hers. The third level of the platform was woven of branches no thicker than a finger, and covered with dry leaves and twigs. They laid them north to south, from ice to fire, and piled them high with soft cushions and sleeping silks. The sun had begun to lower toward the west by the time they were done. Dany called the Dothraki around her. Fewer than a hundred were left. How many had Aegon started with? she wondered. It did not matter. â€Å"You will be my khalasar,†she told them. â€Å"I see the faces of slaves. I free you. Take off your collars. Go if you wish, no one shall harm you. If you stay, it will be as brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.†The black eyes watched her, wary, expressionless. â€Å"I see the children, women, the wrinkled faces of the aged. I was a child yesterday. Today I am a woman. Tomorrow I will be old. To each of you I say, give me your hands and your hearts, and there will always be a place for you.†She turned to the three young warriors of her khas. â€Å"Jhogo, to you I give the silver-handled whip that was my bride gift, and name you ko, and ask your oath, that you will live and die as blood of my blood, riding at my side to keep me safe from harm.†Jhogo took the whip from her hands, but his face was confused. â€Å"Khaleesi, †he said hesitantly, â€Å"this is not done. It would shame me, to be bloodrider to a woman.†â€Å"Aggo,†Dany called, paying no heed to Jhogo's words. If I look back I am lost. â€Å"To you I give the dragonbone bow that was my bride gift.†It was double-curved, shiny black and exquisite, taller than she was. â€Å"I name you ko, and ask your oath, that you should live and die as blood of my blood, riding at my side to keep me safe from harm.†Aggo accepted the bow with lowered eyes. â€Å"I cannot say these words. Only a man can lead a khalasar or name a ko.†â€Å"Rakharo,†Dany said, turning away from the refusal, â€Å"you shall have the great arakh that was my bride gift, with hilt and blade chased in gold. And you too I name my ko, and ask that you live and die as blood of my blood, riding at my side to keep me safe from harm.†â€Å"You are khaleesi,†Rakharo said, taking the arakh. â€Å"I shall ride at your side to Vaes Dothrak beneath the Mother of Mountains, and keep you safe from harm until you take your place with the crones of the dosh khaleen. No more can I promise.†She nodded, as calmly as if she had not heard his answer, and turned to the last of her champions. â€Å"Ser Jorah Mormont,†she said, â€Å"first and greatest of my knights, I have no bride gift to give you, but I swear to you, one day you shall have from my hands a longsword like none the world has ever seen, dragon-forged and made of Valyrian steel. And I would ask for your oath as well.†â€Å"You have it, my queen,†Ser Jorah said, kneeling to lay his sword at her feet. â€Å"I vow to serve you, to obey you, to die for you if need be.†â€Å"Whatever may come?†â€Å"Whatever may come.†â€Å"I shall hold you to that oath. I pray you never regret the giving of it.†Dany lifted him to his feet. Stretching on her toes to reach his lips, she kissed the knight gently and said, â€Å"You are the first of my Queensguard.†She could feel the eyes of the khalasar on her as she entered her tent. The Dothraki were muttering and giving her strange sideways looks from the corners of their dark almond eyes. They thought her mad, Dany realized. Perhaps she was. She would know soon enough. If I look back I am lost. Her bath was scalding hot when Irri helped her into the tub, but Dany did not flinch or cry aloud. She liked the heat. It made her feel clean. Jhiqui had scented the water with the oils she had found in the market in Vaes Dothrak; the steam rose moist and fragrant. Doreah washed her hair and combed it out, working loose the mats and tangles. Irri scrubbed her back. Dany closed her eyes and let the smell and the warmth enfold her. She could feel the heat soaking through the soreness between her thighs. She shuddered when it entered her, and her pain and stiffness seemed to dissolve. She floated. When she was clean, her handmaids helped her from the water. Irri and Jhiqui fanned her dry, while Doreah brushed her hair until it fell like a river of liquid silver down her back. They scented her with spiceflower and cinnamon; a touch on each wrist, behind her ears, on the tips of her milk-heavy breasts. The last dab was for her sex. Irri's finger felt as light and cool as a lover's kiss as it slid softly up between her lips. Afterward, Dany sent them all away, so she might prepare Khal Drogo for his final ride into the night lands. She washed his body clean and brushed and oiled his hair, running her fingers through it for the last time, feeling the weight of it, remembering the first time she had touched it, the night of their wedding ride. His hair had never been cut. How many men could die with their hair uncut? She buried her face in it and inhaled the dark fragrance of the oils. He smelled like grass and warm earth, like smoke and semen and horses. He smelled like Drogo. Forgive me, sun of my life, she thought. Forgive me for all I have done and all I must do. I paid the price, my star, but it was too high, too high . . . Dany braided his hair and slid the silver rings onto his mustache and hung his bells one by one. So many bells, gold and silver and bronze. Bells so his enemies would hear him coming and grow weak with fear. She dressed him in horsehair leggings and high boots, buckling a belt heavy with gold and silver medallions about his waist. Over his scarred chest she slipped a painted vest, old and faded, the one Drogo had loved best. For herself she chose loose sandsilk trousers, sandals that laced halfway up her legs, and a vest like Drogo's. The sun was going down when she called them back to carry his body to the pyre. The Dothraki watched in silence as Jhogo and Aggo bore him from the tent. Dany walked behind them. They laid him down on his cushions and silks, his head toward the Mother of Mountains far to the northeast. â€Å"Oil,†she commanded, and they brought forth the jars and poured them over the pyre, soaking the silks and the brush and the bundles of dry grass, until the oil trickled from beneath the logs and the air was rich with fragrance. â€Å"Bring my eggs,†Dany commanded her handmaids. Something in her voice made them run. Ser Jorah took her arm. â€Å"My queen, Drogo will have no use for dragon's eggs in the night lands. Better to sell them in Asshai. Sell one and we can buy a ship to take us back to the Free Cities. Sell all three and you will be a wealthy woman all your days.†â€Å"They were not given to me to sell,†Dany told him. She climbed the pyre herself to place the eggs around her sun-and-stars. The black beside his heart, under his arm. The green beside his head, his braid coiled around it. The cream-and-gold down between his legs. When she kissed him for the last time, Dany could taste the sweetness of the oil on his lips. As she climbed down off the pyre, she noticed Mirri Maz Duur watching her. â€Å"You are mad,†the godswife said hoarsely. â€Å"Is it so far from madness to wisdom?†Dany asked. â€Å"Ser Jorah, take this maegi and bind her to the pyre.†â€Å"To the . . . my queen, no, hear me . . . â€Å" â€Å"Do as I say.†Still he hesitated, until her anger flared. â€Å"You swore to obey me, whatever might come. Rakharo, help him.†The godswife did not cry out as they dragged her to Khal Drogo's pyre and staked her down amidst his treasures. Dany poured the oil over the woman's head herself. â€Å"I thank you, Mirri Maz Duur,†she said, â€Å"for the lessons you have taught me.†â€Å"You will not hear me scream,†Mirri responded as the oil dripped from her hair and soaked her clothing. â€Å"I will,†Dany said, â€Å"but it is not your screams I want, only your life. I remember what you told me. Only death can pay for life.†Mirri Maz Duur opened her mouth, but made no reply. As she stepped away, Dany saw that the contempt was gone from the maegi's flat black eyes; in its place was something that might have been fear. Then there was nothing to be done but watch the sun and look for the first star. When a horselord dies, his horse is slain with him, so he might ride proud into the night lands. The bodies are burned beneath the open sky, and the khal rises on his fiery steed to take his place among the stars. The more fiercely the man burned in life, the brighter his star will shine in the darkness. Jhogo spied it first. â€Å"There,†he said in a hushed voice. Dany looked and saw it, low in the east. The first star was a comet, burning red. Bloodred; fire red; the dragon's tail. She could not have asked for a stronger sign. Dany took the torch from Aggo's hand and thrust it between the logs. The oil took the fire at once, the brush and dried grass a heartbeat later. Tiny flames went darting up the wood like swift red mice, skating over the oil and leaping from bark to branch to leaf. A rising heat puffed at her face, soft and sudden as a lover's breath, but in seconds it had grown too hot to bear. Dany stepped backward. The wood crackled, louder and louder. Mirri Maz Duur began to sing in a shrill, ululating voice. The flames whirled and writhed, racing each other up the platform. The dusk shimmered as the air itself seemed to liquefy from the heat. Dany heard logs spit and crack. The fires swept over Mirri Maz Duur. Her song grew louder, shriller . . . then she gasped, again and again, and her song became a shuddering wail, thin and high and full of agony. And now the flames reached her Drogo, and now they were all around him. His clothing took fire, and for an instant the khal was clad in wisps of floating orange silk and tendrils of curling smoke, grey and greasy. Dany's lips parted and she found herself holding her breath. Part of her wanted to go to him as Ser Jorah had feared, to rush into the flames to beg for his forgiveness and take him inside her one last time, the fire melting the flesh from their bones until they were as one, forever. She could smell the odor of burning flesh, no different than horseflesh roasting in a firepit. The pyre roared in the deepening dusk like some great beast, drowning out the fainter sound of Mirri Maz Duur's screaming and sending up long tongues of flame to lick at the belly of the night. As the smoke grew thicker, the Dothraki backed away, coughing. Huge orange gouts of fire unfurled their banners in that hellish wind, the logs hissing and cracking, glowing cinders rising on the smoke to float away into the dark like so many newborn fireflies. The heat beat at the air with great red wings, driving the Dothraki back, driving off even Mormont, but Dany stood her ground. She was the blood of the dragon, and the fire was in her. She had sensed the truth of it long ago, Dany thought as she took a step closer to the conflagration, but the brazier had not been hot enough. The flames writhed before her like the women who had danced at her wedding, whirling and singing and spinning their yellow and orange and crimson veils, fearsome to behold, yet lovely, so lovely, alive with heat. Dany opened her arms to them, her skin flushed and glowing. This is a wedding, too, she thought. Mirri Maz Duur had fallen silent. The godswife thought her a child, but children grow, and children learn. Another step, and Dany could feel the heat of the sand on the soles of her feet, even through her sandals. Sweat ran down her thighs and between her breasts and in rivulets over her cheeks, where tears had once run. Ser Jorah was shouting behind her, but he did not matter anymore, only the fire mattered. The flames were so beautiful, the loveliest things she had ever seen, each one a sorcerer robed in yellow and orange and scarlet, swirling long smoky cloaks. She saw crimson firelions and great yellow serpents and unicorns made of pale blue flame; she saw fish and foxes and monsters, wolves and bright birds and flowering trees, each more beautiful than the last. She saw a horse, a great grey stallion limned in smoke, its flowing mane a nimbus of blue flame. Yes, my love, my sun-and-stars, yes, mount now, ride now. Her vest had begun to smolder, so Dany shrugged it off and let it fall to the ground. The painted leather burst into sudden flame as she skipped closer to the fire, her breasts bare to the blaze, streams of milk flowing from her red and swollen nipples. Now, she thought, now, and for an instant she glimpsed Khal Drogo before her, mounted on his smoky stallion, a flaming lash in his hand. He smiled, and the whip snaked down at the pyre, hissing. She heard a crack, the sound of shattering stone. The platform of wood and brush and grass began to shift and collapse in upon itself. Bits of burning wood slid down at her, and Dany was showered with ash and cinders. And something else came crashing down, bouncing and rolling, to land at her feet; a chunk of curved rock, pale and veined with gold, broken and smoking. The roaring filled the world, yet dimly through the firefall Dany heard women shriek and children cry out in wonder. Only death can pay for life. And there came a second crack, loud and sharp as thunder, and the smoke stirred and whirled around her and the pyre shifted, the logs exploding as the fire touched their secret hearts. She heard the screams of frightened horses, and the voices of the Dothraki raised in shouts of fear and terror, and Ser Jorah calling her name and cursing. No, she wanted to shout to him, no, my good knight, do not fear for me. The fire is mine. I am Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of dragons, bride of dragons, mother of dragons, don't you see? Don't you SEE? With a belch of flame and smoke that reached thirty feet into the sky, the pyre collapsed and came down around her. Unafraid, Dany stepped forward into the firestorm, calling to her children. The third crack was as loud and sharp as the breaking of the world. When the fire died at last and the ground became cool enough to walk upon, Ser Jorah Mormont found her amidst the ashes, surrounded by blackened logs and bits of glowing ember and the burnt bones of man and woman and stallion. She was naked, covered with soot, her clothes turned to ash, her beautiful hair all crisped away . . . yet she was unhurt. The cream-and-gold dragon was suckling at her left breast, the green-and-bronze at the right. Her arms cradled them close. The black-and-scarlet beast was draped across her shoulders, its long sinuous neck coiled under her chin. When it saw Jorah, it raised its head and looked at him with eyes as red as coals. Wordless, the knight fell to his knees. The men of her khas came up behind him. Jhogo was the first to lay his arakh at her feet. â€Å"Blood of my blood,†he murmured, pushing his face to the smoking earth. â€Å"Blood of my blood,†she heard Aggo echo. â€Å"Blood of my blood,†Rakharo shouted. And after them came her handmaids, and then the others, all the Dothraki, men and women and children, and Dany had only to look at their eyes to know that they were hers now, today and tomorrow and forever, hers as they had never been Drogo's. As Daenerys Targaryen rose to her feet, her black hissed, pale smoke venting from its mouth and nostrils. The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons. THE END
Friday, September 13, 2019
Afrocentric School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Afrocentric School - Essay Example To be precise, the theories that are discussed have a main focus on how the history present in individuals is able to take shape and various practices that are interpreted on cultural activities. These tend to develop when individuals in the community, in behavior of life, form personal identities in relation to the person’s important roles and positions. A person’s historical formation on the various environmental activities makes environmental identity become a construct of the person which is developed and used in organizing the person emotionally and the actions to take. Personal identities in this community are conceptualized based on the complexities of memory, sentiments, a person’s knowledge and ideas of the environment which the person can evoke by the use of cultural identity symbols for the purpose of organizing one’s self to take an environmental action. Once the person’s identity is entrenched in the history that is inside the person, i t will provide a ground for guiding the individual’s behavior towards cultural activities and the person will avoid behaviors that are not harmonious with the community’s assigned identity.... The feeling of unity that occurs in the mind of individuals encourages the members of this community understand themselves as not being agents, but as an intentional stream of individuals involved in the gathering of information concerning the acts of ancient Africans. The Afrocentric community can be regarded as a chain of discourse, communication and a variety of symbols, for the purpose of intellectual motives. This community encourages the use of theories with the intention of shifting self-understanding by encouraging its members to consider agents as carriers of routine, over subjective complexes of migratory movements, forms of interpretation, knowledge and use of the things. Through their membership in this community, individuals are able to stipulate shifts taken by a self-understanding individual and get an ethical meaning of the agency among other factors. It is a fact that this community works towards encouraging the consideration of ethical problems as questions used in creating the various theories and researches that make up the bulk of Afrocentric thought. The ethical problems are considered to be extremely important and are expressed by certain bodies, understandings or things that are complex. Ethics, therefore, are related to the thoughts, the environment and individuals’ motivation and feelings. This move is distinctive in relation to functional ethics of the members of this community and has worked against the general skepticism that individuals have towards ethics that is facilitated by objectivism. It can be said that this community is capable of developing philosophical perseverance without giving up its attachment to
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Features Of Australian Federal Budget 2011 Essay
Features Of Australian Federal Budget 2011 - Essay Example ies said that the inflationary pressure would further increase according to the profile of the budget and an anticipated fall in the unemployment rate. The HSBC chief economist Paul Bloxham believes that the budget may have an adverse influence on the risk elements around the inflation outlook. He argues that the government’s increased spending on skills training and encouragement on skilled immigration may not help ease inflation. The impact of Federal Budget on unemployment The terms of the Australian Federal Budget 2011 indicates that the budget can significantly reduce the unemployment rate. The budget forecasts that the country’s real GDP growth would increase by 4 percent in 2011-12 whereas the exports in 2011-12 would rise by 6.5 percent; in addition, the budget expects that unemployment rate would fall from 5 to 4.5 per cent during the next two years (‘Australian high commission media release- 12’, 2011). Presently, some of the households have not a breadwinner. Although, the Australian economy is badly in need of employees, unwilling and unskilled workers become a great threat to the country. However, the economy has created over 3000,000 jobs over the past year and hence it is estimated that the unemployment rate can be further reduced in 2013 by creating more job opportunities. The budget has set aside over $3 billion over six years as part of its â€Å"Building Australia’s Future Workforce†policy. This policy focuses on â€Å"developing stronger relations between industry and training organizations, modernizing apprenticeship programs, and reforming the national training system†(‘Employment & income support’, 2011,). The budget has provisioned for a $674 billion for productive strategies including employment outcomes. In addition, there is a... The budget forecasts that the country’s real GDP growth would increase by 4 percent in 2011-12 whereas the exports in 2011-12 would rise by 6.5 percent; in addition, the budget expects that unemployment rate would fall from 5 to 4.5 percent during the next two years. Presently, some of the households have not a breadwinner. Although, the Australian economy is badly in need of employees, unwilling and unskilled workers become a great threat to the country. However, the economy has created over 3000,000 jobs over the past year and hence it is estimated that the unemployment rate can be further reduced in 2013 by creating more job opportunities. The budget has set aside over $3 billion over six years as part of its â€Å"Building Australia’s Future Workforce†policy. This policy focuses on â€Å"developing stronger relations between industry and training organizations, modernizing apprenticeship programs, and reforming the national training system†. The budge t has provisioned for a $674 billion for productive strategies including employment outcomes. In addition, there is a $526.6 million provision in the Federal Budget for some other purposes which include the creation of employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians. Additionally, the government has designed a $8.5 million package over the next four years; one of the main objectives of this package is to improve the operational effectiveness of Job Services Australia and Disability Employment Services.
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