Monday, December 30, 2019
research paper marriage tradition - 1355 Words
(Susana) Wai Ha Fok EN114 Marriage Traditions: Vast difference There is a huge difference between Chinese and western culture in marriage traditions. Due to the different background of religions, histories, also the evolution of thought and custom, meanings behind the marriage and wedding routines are vary. Chinas traditional idea of marriage is believed in â€Å"accommodate to the harmonious†philosophy (I Ching: Book of Changes, Fu Xi). It is not only a deal between two people but also related to their families and social relationship. On the other hand, Americans believes that marriage is gift from God and means that couples are combined in one. However, no matter in what the culture, a wedding is always full of blessing and†¦show more content†¦There is also a common phenomenon that couples from these two countries will have much more pressure than before getting marry during the preparation because they may be worried about the preparation and whole routine, such as, budget of the whole marriage, guest list, date s of wedding etc. Based on the difference of culture background, China and America celebrate their wedding in unique ways. Before getting married, Chinese couples have to give a formal visit to each other’s parents in order to get the permission of marriage. Next, they will discuss to choose the best day from the Chinese lunar calendar that is symbol as goodness to get marriage. It is very important in Chinese culture because it means couples would have a smooth life and good luck after the wedding. However, there are no limitations on the exact day for a wedding in the US. Couples can get married whenever they prefer. They often have an engagement before wedding. In the US the day the couples get engaged is often a special surprise for the girl that the groom-to-be plans with great care. One of the biggest differences between China and the USA is the format of wedding. In China are three letters and six etiquettes need to be followed in traditional wedding. However, people in tense to simplify them to match up the trending of society. In todays main processes, bridegroom and bestShow MoreRelatedResearch Proposal : Evolution Of Wedding Ceremony729 Words  | 3 PagesResearch Proposal: Evolution of wedding ceremony in Dhaka Date: October 11, 2017 To: Ms. Nasrin Pervin From: M. Alif Ur Rahman, ID#141 012 0042, ENG 105, Sec: 25 Subject: Proposal to conduct a research project on the evolution of wedding ceremonies in Dhaka INTRODUCTION A Bengali wedding is a mixture of unique tradition, culture and rituals. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Introduction. Sub-Saharan Africa (Ssa) Holds The Largest
Introduction Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) holds the largest population in the world without electricity; about 70% of the total 1.3billion energy-poor around the world . The energy structure in SSA is challenging and dubbed by possessing inadequate capacity and unreliable means with high costs. In addition, the most expensive prices for access to electricity are paid by some of Africa’s poorest. Fortunately, distributed power in Africa does not have any policy regulations or grids to upkeep . Solar energy and biomass are among the most abundant renewable resources for providing energy to rural sub-Saharan Africa. These resources can be harnessed and used effectively with modern technology such as solar PV and biomass gasifiers to produce†¦show more content†¦In Kenya and Tanzania half a million household are serviced by pay as you go solar companies . M-Kopa Solar, one of the leaders in this space based in Nigeria, has already brought solar power to over 140,000 African residents and small business owners (approximately 1.12 MW based on 8 W average system size) . Although solar panels and kits are easily transported and require little to no maintenance, solar does not solve all of Africa’s problems. Current systems can only light up small shops and service small businesses such as salons. Several firms are working on scaling them up to provide power to small factories and farms. But even so, small scale solar power is not sufficient when it comes to big industries . Small home solar system (usually comprising of 1or 2 panels) do not provide sufficient power for large loads, such as hospitals. Additionally, although it is very sunny, irradiance still varies throughout the day and need for batteries which add large costs. Biomass Energy Africa is rich in vegetation with tropical forest and woodlands covering 60% of the continent. In several countries of Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA), biomass energy accounts for 70–90 percent of primary energy supply. The consumption of wood is the predominant sour ¬ce of biomass energy, and represents the largest single sour ¬ce of energy for most families in SSA . In rural areas, wood is collected â€Å"free†from nearby forests. Forests are the main sources of wood for energy production .Show MoreRelatedThe Role of Unions in South Africa19306 Words  | 78 PagesMr. Dean Isaacs A decline in collectivism, unionisation and union influence? 1 Table of Contents 1. Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 6 6 2. Chapter 2 2.1 Theoretical Framework- Literature Review 2.1.1 Unitarism 2.1.2 Pluralism 2.1.3 Marxism 2.1.4 Collectivism and Individualism 2.1.5 Neo-liberalism 2.1.6 Unionism 8 8 8 10 12 13 19 21 3. Chapter 3 3.1 Methodology 3.1.1 Introduction 3.1.2 Sampling 3.1.3 Procedure 3.1.4 Methods of data collection 3.1.5 Data Analysis 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 4. ChapterRead MoreTrade Openness and Economic Growth in Nigeria23422 Words  | 94 Pagestastes for the most competitive products, irrespective of where they are made. In this context of the world as a â€Å"global village†, regional integration constitutes an effective means of not only improving the level of participation of countries in the sub-region in world trade, but also their integration into the borderless and interlinked global economy. (NEEDS, 2005). Since 1950, the world economy has experienced a massive liberalization of world trade, initially under the auspices of the GeneralRead MoreAn Impact Assessment of Science and Technology Policy on National Development of Nigeria61708 Words  | 247 PagesCertification Acknowledgements Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures List of Boxes List of Appendices Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Research Problem 1.3 Research Objectives 1.4 Justification of the Study 1.5 Statement of Hypothesis 1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study 1.7 Reference Chapter Two: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Historical Development of ST in Nigeria 2.3 Appraisal of Evaluation of ST in Nigeria 2.4 Emerging Realities Read MoreThe Ethiopian Financial Sector Reform29124 Words  | 117 Pages............................................................................................ vii Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... x 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ......................................................................................................
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Inline Skating Free Essays
Inline Skating Marketing Plan Pegasus Sports This sample marketing plan was created with Marketing Plan Pro software. Plan Outline †¢ Executive Summary †¢ Situation Analysis o Market Summary ? Market Needs ? Market Trends ? Market Growth o SWOT Analysis ? Strengths ? Weaknesses ? Opportunities ? Threats o Competition o Product Offering o Keys to Success o Critical Issues †¢ Marketing Strategy †¢ Financials †¢ Controls Executive Summary Pegasus Sports International is a start-up aftermarket inline skating accessory manufacturer. In addition to the aftermarket products, Pegasus is developing SkateTours, a service that takes clients out, in conjunction with a local skate shop, and provides them with an afternoon of skating using inline skates and some of Pegasus’ other accessories such as SkateSails. We will write a custom essay sample on Inline Skating or any similar topic only for you Order Now The aftermarket skate accessory market has been largely ignored. While there are several major manufacturers of the skates themselves, the accessory market has not been addressed. This provides Pegasus with an extraordinary opportunity for market growth. Skating is a booming sport. Currently most of the skating is recreational. There are however a growing number of competitions, both team orientated such as skate hockey as well as individual competitions such as speed skate racing. Pegasus will work to grow these markets as well as develop the skate transportation market, a more utilitarian use of skating. Several of Pegasus’ currently developed products have patents pending and local market research indicates that there is great demand for these products. Pegasus will achieve fast, significant market penetration that will be achieved through a solid business model, long range planning, and a strong management team that will able to execute on this exciting opportunity. The three principals on the management team have over 30 years of combined personal and industry experience. This extensive experience provides Pegasus with the empirical information as well as the passion to provide the skating market with much needed aftermarket products. Pegasus will sell their products initially through their website. This â€Å"Dell†direct to the consumer approach will allow Pegasus to achieve higher margins and maintain a close relationship with the customers which is essential for producing products that have a true market demand. By the end of the year, Pegasus will have developed relationships with different skate shops and will begin to sell some of their products through the use of retailers. [pic] Sales Forecast | | |2003 |2004 |2005 | |Sales | | | | |Recreational |$455,740 |$598,877 |$687,765 | |Competitive |$72,918 |$95,820 |$110,042 | |Total Sales |$528,658 |$694,697 |$797,807 | | | | | | |Direct Cost of Sales |2003 |2004 |2005 | |Recreational |$82,033 |$107,798 |$123,798 | |Competitive |$13,125 |$17,248 |$19,808 | |Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales |$95,159 |$125,046 |$143,605 | Situation Analysis Pegasus is entering their first year of operation. The products have been well received and marketing will be key to deve lop brand and product awareness as well as grow the customer base. Pegasus International offers several different aftermarket skating accessories, serving the growing inline skating industry. Market Summary Pegasus posesses good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of the most prized customer. This information will be leveraged to better understand who is served, their specific needs, and how Pegasus can better communicate with them. [pic] [pic] [pic] Market Analysis | | | |2003 |2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 | | |Potential Customers |Growth | | | | | |CAGR | |Recreational |10% |19,142,500|21,056,750|23,162,425|25,478,668|28,026,535|10. 00% | |Fitness |15% |6,820,000 |7,843,000 |9,019,450 |10,372,368|11,928,223|15. 00% | |Speed |10% |387,500 |426,250 |468,875 |515,763 |567,339 |10. 00% | |Total |11. 36% |26,350,000|29,326,000|32,650,750|36,366,799|40,522,097|11. 36% | Market Needs Pegasus is providing the skating community with a wide range of acc essories for all variations of skating. Pegasus seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to their customers: †¢ Quality craftsmanship: The customers work hard for the money and do not enjoy spending it on disposable products that only work for a year or two. †¢ Well thought out designs: The skating market has not been addressed by well thought out products that serve skaters needs. Pegasus’ industry experience and personal dedication to the sport will provide Pegasus with the needed information to produce insightfully designed products. †¢ Customer Service: Exemplary service is required to build a sustainable business that has a loyal customer base. Market Trends Pegasus will distinguish themselves by marketing products not previously available to skaters. The emphasis in the past has been to sell skates and very few replacement parts. The number of skaters is not restricted to any one single country, continent, or age group, so there is a world market. Pegasus has products for virtually every group of skaters. The fastest growing segment of this sport is the fitness skater. Therefore, the marketing is being directed to service this group. BladeBoots will enable them to enter establishments without having to remove their skates. BladeBoots will be aimed at the recreational skater, the largest segment; however SkateAids are great for everyone. There is one more way the sport of skating will grow, and that is through SkateSailing. This sport is primarily for the medium to advanced skater. The growth potential for this sport is tremendous. The sails Pegasus’ has manufactured so far have ended up in Europe. The same thing happened with windsurfing. It started out here in Santa Monica but did not take off until it had already grown big in Europe. More and more groups are getting together on skate excursions in cities all over the world. For example, San Francisco has night group skating that numbers in the hundreds of people. The market trends are showing continued growth in all directions of skating. [pic] [pic] Market Growth With the price of skates going down due to competition by so many skate companies, the market has had steady growth throughout the world, with 22. 5 million in 1999 to over 31 million in 2002. The growth statistics for 2003 are estimated to be over 35 million. More and more people are discovering, and in many cases rediscovering, the health benefits and fun of skating. [pic] [pic] SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company, and describes the opportunities and threats facing Pegasus. Strengths †¢ In-depth industry experience and insight. †¢ Creative, functional product designers. †¢ The use of a highly efficient, flexible business model utilizing direct customer sales and distribution. Weaknesses The reliance of outside capital necessary to grow the business. †¢ A lack of retailers who can work directly face to face with the customer to generate brand and product awareness. †¢ The difficulty to develo ping brand awareness as a start-up company. Opportunities †¢ Participation within a growing industry. †¢ Decreased product costs through scales of economy. †¢ The ability to leverage other industry participants marketing efforts to help grow the general market. Threats †¢ Future/ potential competition from an already established market participants. †¢ A slump in the economy that could have a negative effect on people’s spending discretionary income on fitness/ recreational products. The release of a study that calls into question the safety of skating or the inability to prevent major skating induced traumas. Competition Pegasus Sports International is forming its own market. While there are a few companies that do make sails and foils that a few skaters are using, Pegasus is the only one that is truly designed for and by skaters. The few competitors’ sails are not designed for skating, but for windsurfing or for skateboards. In the case of fo ils, storage and carrying are not practical. There are different indirect competitors who are manufactures of the actual skates. After many years in the market, these companies have yet to become direct competitors by manufacturing accessories for the skates that they manufacture. Product Offering Pegasus Sports International now offers several products: †¢ The first product that has been developed is BladeBoots, a cover for the wheels and frame of in-line skates, which allow skaters to enter places that normally would not allow them in. BladeBoots come with a small pouch and belt which converts to a well-designed skate carrier. †¢ The second product is SkateSails. These sails are specifically designed for use while skating. Feedback that Pegasus has received from skaters indicates this could become a very popular sport. Trade marking this product is currently in progress. †¢ The third product will be referred to as SkateAid and be in production by December. Other ideas for products are under development, but Pegasus must hold back until they can protect themselves through pending patent applications. Keys to Success The keys to success are simply designing and producing products that meet market demand. Additionally, Pegasus must ensure total customer satisfaction. If these keys to success are achieved, Pegasus will become a profitable, sustainable company. Critical Issues Pegasus is still in the speculative stages as a start-up business. The critical issues are: †¢ Establish themselves as the premier skating accessory company. †¢ Pursue controlled growth that dictates that payroll expenses will never exceed the revenue base. This will help protect against recessions. Constantly monitor customer satisfaction, ensuring that the growth strategy will never compromise service and satisfaction levels. Marketing Strategy The key to the marketing strategy is focusing on the speed, health and fitness, and recreational skaters. Pegasus can cover about 80% of the skating market since they produce products geared towards each segment. Pegasus is able to address all of the different segments within the market because although each segment is distinct in terms of its users and equipment, Pegasus’ products are useful to all of the different segments. Mission Pegasus Sports International’s mission is to provide the customer with the finest skating accessories available. We exist to attract and maintain customers. With a strict adherence to this maxim, success will be ensured. Our services and products will exceed the expectations of the customers. Marketing Objectives †¢ Maintain positive, strong growth each quarter (not withstanding seasonal sales patterns). †¢ Achieve a steady increase in market penetration. †¢ Decrease customer acquisition costs by 1. 5% a quarter. Financial Objectives †¢ Increase the profit margin by 1% per quarter through efficiency and scale of economy gains. †¢ Maintain a significant research and development budget (as a percentage relative to sales) to spur future product developments. †¢ A double to triple digit growth rate for the first three years. Target Markets With a world skating market of over 31 million and steadily growing (statistics released by the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association), the niche has been created. Pegasus’ aim is to expand this market by promoting SkateSailing, a new sport which is popular at both Santa Monica and Venice Beach in California. The Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association survey indicates that skating now has more participation than football, softball, skiing, and snowboarding combined. The breakdown of participation of skating is as follows: 1+% speed (growing), 8% hockey (declining), 7% extreme/aggressive (declining), 22% fitness (nearly seven million–the fastest growing), and 61% recreational (first-timers). Our products are targeting the fitness and recreational groups, as they are the fastest growing. These groups are gearing themselves towards health and fitness, and combined, they can easily grow to 85% (or 26 million) of the market in the next five years. Positioning Pegasus will position themselves as the premier aftermarket skating accessory company. This positioning will be achieved by leveraging their competitive edge: industry experience and passion. Pegasus is a skating company formed by skaters for skaters. They are able to use their vast experience and personal passion for the sport to develop innovative, useful accessories for a broad range of skaters. Strategies The single objective is to position Pegasus as the premier skating accessory manufacturer, serving both the domestic market as well as international market. The marketing strategy will seek to first create customer awareness concerning the offered products and services and develop the customer base. The message that Pegasus will seek to communicate is that they offer the best-designed, most useful skating accessories. This message will be communicated through a variety of methods. The first will the use of their robust website. As well as a rich source of product information, the site will also be used for purchasing. A lot of time and money will be invested into the site to provide the customer with the perception of total professionalism and utility for Pegasus’ products and services. The second method will be advertisements placed in numerous industry magazines. The skating industry is supported by several different glossy magazines designed to promote the industry as a whole. Additionally, there are a couple of smaller periodicals that serve the smaller market segments within the skating industry. The last method of communication is the use of printed sales literature. The two previously mentioned marketing methods will create demand for the sales literature that will be sent out to customers. The cost of the sales literature will be fairly minimal as it will use the already compiled sales information from the website. Marketing Mix Pegasus’ marketing mix is comprised of the following approaches to pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service. †¢ Pricing: This will be based on a per product retail price. †¢ Distribution: Initially Pegasus will use a direct to the consume distribution model. Over time Pegasus will use retailers as well. †¢ Advertising and Promotion: Several different methods will be used for the advertising effort. †¢ Customer Service: Pegasus will strive to achieve benchmarked levels of customer care. Marketing Research Pegasus is blessed with good fortune of being located in the center of the skating world, Venice, CA. Pegasus will be able to leverage this opportune location by working with many of the different skaters that live in the area. Pegasus was able to test out all of their products, not only with the principals who are accomplished skaters, but also the many other dedicated and â€Å"newbie†users located in Venice. The extensive product testing by a wide variety of users provided Pegasus with valuable product feedback and has led to several design improvements. Financials This section will offer the financial overview of Pegasus as it related to the marketing activities. Pegasus will address Break-even Analysis, sales forecasts, expense forecast, and indicate how these activities link to the marketing strategy. Break-even Analysis The break-even analysis indicates that $7,760 will be required in monthly sales revenue to reach the break-even point. [pic] [pic] [pic] Break-even Analysis | | | | |Monthly Revenue Break-even |$6,372 | | | | |Assumptions: | | |Average Percent Variable Cost |18% | |Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost |$6,363 | Sales Forecast Pegasus feels that the sales forecasting is conservative. Pegasus will steadily increase sales as the advertising budget allows. Please refer to the Sales Forecast Chart. Please note that while in the market segmentation section all of the potential customers have been broken down into separate groups, for the sales forecasts, the grouping has been changed Recreational and Competitive. By reducing the number of categories it allows the reader to quickly discern information, making the chart more functional. [pic] [pic] Expense Forecast The expense forecast will be used as a tool to keep the department in target and provide indicators when corrections / modifications are needed for the proper implementation of the marketing plan. [pic] [pic] [pic] Marketing Expense Budget | | |2003 |2004 |2005 | |Website |$25,000 |$8,000 |$10,000 | |Advertisements |$8,050 |$15,000 |$20,000 | |Other |$1,725 |$2,000 |$3,000 | | |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ | |Total Sales and Marketing Exp enses |$34,775 |$25,000 |$33,000 | |Percent of Sales |6. 58% |3. 60% |4. 14% | Controls The purpose of Pegasus’ marketing plan is to serve as a guide for the organization. The following areas will be monitored to gauge performance: †¢ Revenue: monthly and annual. †¢ Expenses: monthly and annual. †¢ Customer satisfaction. †¢ New product development. Implementation The following milestones identify the key marketing programs. It is important to accomplish each one on time and on budget. [pic] Milestones | | | | | | | | |Advertising |Start Date |End Date |Budget |Manager |Department | |Marketing plan completion |1/1/2003 |2/1/2003 |$0 |Stan |Marketing | |Webiste completion |1/1/2003 |3/15/2003 |$20,400 |outside firm |Marketing | |Advertising campaign #1 |1/1/2003 |6/30/2003 |$3,500 |Stan |Marketing | |Advertising campaign #2 |3/1/1999 |12/30/2003 |$4,550 |Stan |Marketing | |Development of the retail channel|1/1/2003 |11/30/2003 |$0 |Stan |Marketing | |Name me |1/1/2003 |1/15/2003 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2003 |1/15/2003 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2003 |1/15/2003 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2003 |1/15/2003 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Other |1/1/2003 |1/15/2003 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Total Advertising Budget | | |$28,450 | | | |PR |Start Date |End Date |Budget |Manager |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Other |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Total PR Budget | | |$0 | | | |Direct Marketing |Start Date |End Date |Budget |Manager |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Other |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | Total Direct Marketing Budget | | |$0 | | | |Web Development |Start Date |End Date |Budget |Manager |Department | |Nam e me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Other |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Total Web Development Budget | | |$0 | | | |Other |Start Date |End Date |Budget |Manager |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Name me |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Other |1/1/2006 |1/15/2006 |$0 |ABC |Department | |Total Other Budget | | |$0 | | | |Totals | | |$28,450 | | | Contingency Planning Difficulties and Risks †¢ Problems generating visibility, a function of being a internet-based start-up organization. †¢ An entry into the market by an already established market competitor. Worst Case Risks Include †¢ Determining that the business cannot support itself on an ongoing basis. †¢ Having to liquidate equipment or intellectual capital to cover liabilities. How to cite Inline Skating, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Research Plan free essay sample
As part of your research plan, you must first draft a research question for your research paper that will guide the rest of your writing. A research question, which is more specific and focused than a general topic, is the question that your research paper will be answering. For example, if your general area of interest is Social Security, a possible research question might ask â€Å"How could low-income families save more money if the United States had a reformed Social Security plan that included personal retirement accounts? †As you develop a research question, keep in mind that you will need to research sources to support your topic. Do not pick a one-sided question that will limit your research. Instead, develop a research question that lends itself to further exploration and debateâ€â€a question you genuinely want to know the answer to. Try to pick a research question that is not too broad (covering too much) or too narrow (covering too little). We will write a custom essay sample on Research Plan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It should be broad enough to be discussed in a short research paper. What is your general topic or area of interest? Recycling What is it about your general topic of interest that interests you? The topic of recycling interests me because there are some cities that so not make recycling a priority and I believe it is important to preserve for future generations. What questions do you have about the topic that you would like to investigate? List them. What is the history of recycling? What is being done in school systems to promote recycling? What are the benefits of recycling? What can be done in cities where recycling is not a priority to make residents recycle? The effects if recycling is not made a priority. What are the financial benefits to a community where recycling is a priority? Would any of the questions you listed about the topic make a good subject for a research paper? Pick or adapt one question and make it into a research question. What are the benefits of recycling? Why do you think this research question is appropriate for a research paper? I think this is an appropriate question for a research paper because there are many benefits with much information of the benefits. How is your research question significant or relevant to a wider community? My research question is relevant to a wider community because it is a worldwide issue in today’s society with much room for improvement. What background information provides the preliminary grounds for your research? I was shocked at how many people I have come to know that do not make it a priority because it is simply easier to toss it away. What are some expert or authoritative sources of information on this research question? The University of Phoenix library What type of materials will you need to review for your research paper? Plenty of articles to support the bases of my paper. What procedures will you follow to conduct your research? I will need to further brain storm and take notes on the articles I will be using for my paper and conpilling several other sources to ensure I have enough material to use. What difficulties do you anticipate in conducting your research? There is plenty of research out there and I need to cut it down to what is most important and relevant to what I am writing. Write a 250- to 300-word paragraph summarizing your reearch plan. Include the following: †¢The topic you have chosen for your final project. †¢What you hope to learn from your research. †¢What aspect of your topic you plan to focus on in your research and writing. This paragraph is just an intro of sorts. Dont begin with The topic I have chosen, or My topic is write in 3rd person (he, she, it, or in general terms) Recycling is a relatively new concept with very few states enforcing this as a law. Although recycling has only been around for about forty years it has come a long way in how it is viewed by many people and states. People across the country have now come to see the long term benefits to recycling and how it will benefit our society by reducing their carbon foot print and how it benefits the environment. While recycling has made big strides there is still much room for improvement with public awareness. There has been a big push in elementary schools recently, children are being taught from a young age, the benefits of long term recycling. There are many states such as California and, Oregon requiring deposits when purchasing drinking beverages to promote recycling by its residents, regardless if the person lives there or not, the deposit must be paid. This is just an example of ways other states are making recycling a priority. By being vigilant and constantly making recycling a priority we can reduce the amount of waste in landfills each year thus eliminating the effects of global warming and the release of methane emitted into the atmosphere and the pollution of the waterways. By committing to recycling not only is there a benefit to the environment but there can be other ways recycling can contribute to a community financially. By implementing an efficient program recycling can yield great profits. Now more than ever it is so important to make recycling a priority. Its imperative that we create a future, for the future generation to enjoy and if not made a priority children of the future will suffer.
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