Thursday, October 31, 2019
Influences on parenting within contemporary society Essay
Influences on parenting within contemporary society - Essay Example The nature of today’s parenting has seen the rise in sales of parenting books and increased television parenting programmes. There is also a notable increase in the rate of divorce, single parenthood and dropping out from parenting classes. In light of the above this paper will delve on influences on parenting within contemporary society while shedding light on various theories among them Bandura Social Learning Theory. Characteristics and Challenges of Parenting in the Contemporary World (Post 1970s) Post 1970s is a period that saw protectionist approaches to parenting take root. These were and are characterized by parents (and the societal norms) insisting on children to wear helmets when riding bicycles and use of car seats among others. Parenting has taken a structured shape with both mothers and fathers taking up long-hours jobs. It is also important to note that birth rate has dropped where some parents have only one child or two at most. The concern for modern parents i s for their children to attain a competitive edge (Hamner & Turner 2001). This trend has led to hyper-parenting where parents are attempting to make their children grasp all that life can offer e.g. sports, piano lessons, dancing, mentoring and home tuition among others. A society’s norms are attributed to the challenges faced by parents when some of these norms facilitate good parenting while others hinder it. One of the problems is poverty where parents are not able to provide sufficient basic needs like food, shelter, education and good health care among others. Due to disparities posed by social classes and economic wellbeing some parents find it difficult to offer the bare minimum. Parents and their children in this regard engage in social ills like crime and prostitution in order to bridge the gap. The current society comprises of people who profess different faiths and uphold different morals and cultures. People from different faiths and cultures are intermarrying bri nging the challenge of understanding and tolerance. Neighbourhoods are also comprised of people from different nationalities, social and religious backgrounds, race and ethnicity. In these scenarios parenting proves to be a challenge when trying to make children understand and appreciate other people. Single parenting is on the rise where either a mother or a father feeds for their children alone. This is a state of imbalance which is tricky to operate in without the other partner as one works towards being both the father and mother at the same time. Single parenting is highly attributed to the rising cases of divorce and unwanted and teenage pregnancies. The society more than ever before is liberal in respect to sexuality which is leading to many young people engaging in unsafe sexual practices (Ashworth & Sanders 2007). Divorce is now being taken as a normal occurrence in a marriage; something which was considered almost a taboo one and a half centuries ago. Mental Health and Par enting For a parent to be responsible enough to take care of their children, they need to take care of their mental health first. Poor parental mental health results in poor child upbringing. Mental health issues in parents render them unable to offer children the developmental needs required in relation to their social and emotional lives. Research has shown that parents exhibiting mental problems often bring up children with the same or other forms of mental
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Animal rights Essay Example for Free
Animal rights Essay Utilitarianism is concerned with happiness, and utilitarians accept the idea that value is universal so utilitarians believe that the intrinsic value of happiness it is unaffected by the identity of the being in which it is felt. Thus each counts for one, and none for more than one and my own interests cannot count for more, simply because they are my own, than the interests of others. Utilitarians support equality by the equal consideration of interests they reject any arbitrary distinctions as to who is worthy of concern and who isnt. This means that we reject egoism, racism, sexism, speciesism, and other forms of unfair discrimination. It does not mean that we deny that there are differences between individuals or between groups of individuals (some individuals are cleverer, taller, stronger, more emotional etc than others), just that there is no logically compelling reason for assuming that a difference in ability justifies any difference in the consideration we give to their interests. Utilitarians believe that while happiness, pleasure, joy, satisfaction, ecstasy and so-on are not synonyms, they do all represent positively intrinsically valuable feelings; and that the value they represent is of a similar kind, and so is convertible or equivalent (in some proportion). Pain, suffering, unhappiness, agony etc are all regarded similarly that the disvalue they represent is convertible, not only with that of the other negative feelings, but with the positive feelings too. This means, for example, that a utilitarian might believe that it is worthwhile to endure a certain amount of suffering now, if it ensures a greater amount of happiness later. In classical utilitarianism, happiness is regarded as positively valuable, and unhappiness (pain, suffering etc) is regarded is negatively valuable. Negative utilitarianism denies the positive aspect it denies that happiness is intrinsically valuable. By negative utilitarianism, the only goal (the only thing which is seen as good) is the reduction of suffering. Regular utilitarians and negative utilitarians agree on some issues, and disagree on others. A standard disagreement is illustrated by the fact that a negative utilitarian would believe that, if it were possible to exterminate all life in the universe instantly and painlessly and permanently, it would be correct and ethically required that we do so (in order to prevent any future suffering). A classical utilitarian might decide either way, depending on their estimation of the relative amounts of future suffering and happiness.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Competition In The Manufacturing Industry Business Essay
Competition In The Manufacturing Industry Business Essay These factors will have different results and impact on the business operations of various countries and the ability to perform business operations globally thus affecting competiton. Due to technological achievements, people from different parts of the world and different cultural backgrounds are able to work and communicate with each other enabling the expansion of global business. Management must be able to manage global organizations. This can be quite difficult since there are cultural differences that impact the organization. Some of the cultural differences are shown in Figure 4. The Deloitte (2013) study surveyed CEOs to find out how they ranked the key government and market forces (Figure 2) that drive manufacturing competitiveness. The following are the top three key drivers that impact a countrys competitiveness in the manufacturing industry: 1) talent-driven innovation, 2) economic, trade, financial and tax system and 3) cost and availability of labor and materials. The results show that the quality, productivity and availability of a skilled workforce is the most important for CEOs to help them achieve their strategy and drive their innovation and growth agendas. The second most important driver deals with government-related forces that impact the economic volatility, trade barriers, policy ad regulatory limitations which can inhibit the competitiveness of a country. The competitiveness of export firms and their growth prospects depend, among other things, on the foreign countrys tax system. The third driver is the cost of labor, cost competitiveness of materials and the availability of raw materials . Manufacturing is an essential part of a countrys economy. The competitiveness of a firm is the complex array of interdependent factors relating to its quality, innovation, efficiency, effectiveness, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and empowerment, and how these functions contribute to the products being made (Dingli, 2012).To be more competitive, a manufacturing firm would have to identify their core competencies and develop them to achieve their strategic and competitive advantage. There are three intangible assets that contribute to the firms strategy and competitiveness: human capital, organizational capital and information capital. A manufacturing company that has operations in the USA, Mexico, France and Turkey faces unique challenges in managing these assets globally. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the unique challenges a manufacturing company with operations in these four countries would face in managing their human capital, organizational capital and inf ormation capital. Global Manufacturing has increased due to technological innovations, exports and trade amongst countries. Figure 1 shows the ranking of the U.S., Mexico, Turkey and France in terms of current and future manufacturing competitveness. United States In the U.S., many of the manufacturing companies create an entrepreneurial spirit which adds value to labor productivity (Deloitte, 2013). This also creates a competitive and qualified workforce. The U.S. is recognized for advanced manufacturing relative to other nations, however, despite being recognized by executives for providing significant advantages in areas like, RD, access to highly skilled workers, and robust legal and regulatory policies that provide strong intellectual property protections; the U.S. as the third most significant manufacturing power worldwide (Deloitte, 2013). The manufacturing industry is vitally important to the U.S. economy and creates millions of jobs along the skill spectrum providing jobs to high-wage to workers at all skill and educational levels (Creticos Sohnen, 2013). The United States is an individualistic society with self-actualization needs and the need for self-fulfillment being most important. North Americans are known to be friendly and in formal. Promptness and keeping appointments is also valued and time is not views as casually as individuals from Mexico, France and Turkey. Being late to a meeting is seen as sign of disrepsect. Time is money in the U.S. and meetings are structured and conducted with an agenda. The communication style is direct and informal. Mexico According to Creticos and Sohnen (2013), the manufacturing sector is a significant source of employment for people in Mexico. The proximity of Mexico to the United States makes it possible for manufactured goods from Mexico to compete against lower-wage regions in the world. However, this reduces Mexicos leverage in securing any benefits that could be used to jump start investment in research and development (RD). The country has no entry to new markets or demands on RD and other innovation-related investment (Creticos Sohnen, 2013) impeding competition. Creticos Sohnen (2013) argue that to increase competition in Mexico, the quality of human-capital must be on par with that of developed countries. The workforce must have the skills and proficiencies to compete with counterparts in advanced manufacturing regions, such as Europe, Japan and the U.S. U.S. managers would have to take in consideration the lack of a skilled workforce, language,and cultural differences when managing a firm in Mexico. There is a strong tendency in Mexico of power distance and a collectivist society. Mexicans identify themselves as a group and work towards the goals of the group much more so than the goals of individuals. The tendencies of a collectivist society create a feeling of family which is important in society and is a dominating factor of daily life in Mexico to business success. The relationships are also very formal and require courtesy titles.. Mexicans do not embrace the time-is-money mentality of many other cultures and tend to respect their sense of time and traditions. This can create conflict when dealing with a North American counterparts due to the different views. The Mexican culture has a view of tomorrow or manaà ±a and time is considered to be flexible and relaxed. Power dominance is visible since a hierarchy and social status is significant in the Mexican culture. In the U.S. culture, accountability and the the request for information is assumed to require a quick response without requiring to be told. However, in Mexico these assumptions are not normal and accountability and the request for information need to be specified and spelled out. France France is one of the countries of the European Union which enables not only the free movement of people among the 27 sovereign member states that make up the EU, but also the free movement of goods, services, and capital. Kierzenkowski (2009) states that France has seen a market decline in its export performance caused by the lack of technological innovation causing the competitiveness of France to decline. In addition, he further states that the talent-driven innovation is also lacking. As previously discussed, talent-driven innovation was considered the number of driver global manufacturing competitiveness. His article also states that there are too few innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and little private RD performed in France in comparison to leading countries. There appears to be a deficiency in the research conducted by the country and the research available tends to be not very productive. This explains why Frances competitive index is below 5.0 and much lower tha n Mexico and Turkey. The French culture is also different from the U.S. culture and other European countries. The French appear to be quite formal and the communication can appear to be cold and unfriendly. The French are very proud of their language and the inability to speak it may create conflict in business dealings. However, many large French groups actually encourage the use of English and stipulate it as the language of business, but the knowledge of English and other foreign languages in France is weak. Like the Latin American culture, the French also have a relaxed view on punctuality and being late is acceptable. According to Bousquet (1997), the French do not lead a work-centered life but rather work is definitely only one of the elements of their definition of self, and only one of the measures of social existence. The French value hobbies and other activities as much as they value work and these activities play an important role in measuring an individuals success. Power dominance is also vi sible since the French prefer a have a hierarchy organization with the boss on top. The open-door policy seen in America is not the typical norm in France. Due to the long hours worked, the French take vacations usually in July or August and business are closed for the Easter and Christmas holiday the so these months may not be as productive. The French communication style is direct, questioning and probing. Business negotiations can become a passionate and argumentative but not confrontational . Turkey Turkey is an associate member of the European Union (EU) which is expected to boost Turkeys attractiveness to foreign investors.The geographic setting of Turkey the country is an advantage to Turkey since it crosses the European and Middle Eastern with a potential gateway to Asian boundaries enabling the expansion of businesses in this are of the world. Turkeys economy consist of traditional agriculture, modern industry and commerce and is a rapidly developing economy. The education level of the country is low in comparison to the U.S., Mexico, and France. Similar to the Mexican culture, the most essential social unit in Turkish culture is family. Loyalty to family is vital in the Turkish society and impacts business practices since most business are family owned and run. (Turkey,communicaid). Turks also have a polychromic attitude towards time. They also tend to multitask and juggle several activities at the same time and have multiple conversations at the same time. Business meetin gs tend to be unstructured and allow interruptions.The Islamic culture of Turkey has an influence on the cultural life, beliefs, language, social relatiosnhips democracy. Discussion: There would be a lot of cross-cultural differences encountered when managing a firm abroad that impact the human capital and organization capital of a firm. The differences would have an impact on communication and the ability for the individuals to work as a team to achieve the companys strategy. Efforts to increase autonomy and task identity are not likely accepted in Mexico, Turkey and France but accepted in the United States. The cross cultural factors have an effect on groups, group dynamic and intergroup processes. For example, conformity is moderate in U.S. but is high in France. Turkey and Latin American countries emphasize collaboration, cooperation, and conformity and accept little conflict from intergroup interactions. Managers must consider the language differences among countries since words can carry different meanings. In addition, there are cultural differences, regulatory and political prolicies and foreign labor laws to consider. There are also countries such as Tur key that are heavily influenced by religious beliefs. Competition in the manufacturing industry has shifted towards intangible assets and the capability to outsource, to innovate and to invest in advanced technologies (Dingli, 2012). This reduces costs while increasing the quality of the product. Outsourcing can have some challenges and impede innovation if the following items are not considered, 1) the ability of RD and manufacturing to operate independently of each other and 2) the maturity of the manufacturing technology (Dingli, 2012). A countrys lack of a skilled workforce to research, to innovate and to create technological advances can be also be detrimental to the competitiveness of the country. The barriers of technological innovation would have to be considered when outsourcing due to the impact it may have on the success and competitiveness of a company. Management would have to ensure employees are cross-culturally trained for to understand these differences and limit the barriers that may occur due to communication. To mitigate some of these challenges, management would benefit from cross-cultural training for the various countries as well as establish some management positions in the firms abroad that would act as mediators between the these countries and the home country and socialize local managers to the home country values.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Cops :: essays research papers
Except for a select few, most politicians are silent as the proverbial grave. In positions of power, they are powerless in the face of this civilized, legalized barbarity. They are Black politicians who possess only the office: none of the Power. They have nothing to say. They nave even less to do. Faced with the enormity of death, politics is notoriously silent when it really comes to protecting the people, or restraining the forces of the state: They don't run the police; the police run them into silent acquiescence. In an age of right-wing resurgence, and lock - 'em up, throw-away-the-key criminal justice policies, where are the voices of let the "punishment fit the crime?" How man voices arc clamoring for the death penalty? Where are the editorials calling for his prosecution "to the fullest extent of the law"? At best, there are feeble pleas that he be "suspended", or , at best, "fired". Didn't Donta Dawson lose whatever job he had? Doesn't everyone who goes to jail? From those who have made a career of being "tough on crime", this is one offense that they have all but ignored. For, it is not a crime when the cops kill-it is their JOB. Their job is legalized terrorism of the poor, the impoverished, the anti- established, the powerless. They are protectors of the raging class divide in America. If they behaved in the suburbs the way they did in the ghettoes, millions of Americans would be looking to revolution as the solution. In truth, they perform differently in different sections of society, for they perform different functions for different segments of society. What the brilliant revolutionary psychiatrist, Frantz Fanon once wrote of colonial Algeria, applies to oppressed societies all around the world, a world cut in twain; The dividing line, the frontiers are shown by barracks and police stations. In the colonies it is the policeman and the soldier who are the officinal, instituted go-betweens, the spokesmen of the settler and his rule of oppression... In the capitalist countries a multitude of moral teachers, counselors and "bewilders" separate the exploited from those in power. In the colonial countries, on the contrary, the policeman and the soldier, by their immediate presence aid their frequent and direct action maintain contact with the native and advise him by means of rifle-butts and napalm not to budge.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
My ambitions in life Essay
My name is Jennis Dave Mirafuentes, I am now 16 years old. Were all 5 children in my father side, why I say in my father side only? It is because my father before was having his first family but they were separated because of some instances. We have 3 girls that is daughter of my father in his first wife and we are 2 in my mother side and we are both boys. We are now living in Km. 8 Ulas, Davao City. I finnish my primary study in Talomo Central Elementary School and my secondary in Talomo National High School. My first ambition in life when I was only a child is to become an architect because I love making an illustration of an house before but it was changed when I grow up because I realize that having an architecture course is difficult. When I was in my fourth year in high school I was still thinking of what course I will take in college. And from that time I realize in myself what if I will follow the steps of my mother. I will continue her job in teaching other people because before my mother was graduated of education and she is also a board passer but when the time that she raise me and my younger brother she doesn’t have enough time in teaching so that she decide to stop teaching and focus in caring of us. That’s why I decided to become a BS-Math student, Math because it was my favorite subject. Why I should become a teacher? Maybe now I still don’t have an ability to teach wisely other people but I didn’t refuse my ambition because the reason I studied is to learn the techniques on how to become an effective teacher. Maybe now I was only holding one quality to become a teacher and that is my determination and willingness to teach.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Wolves and Beavers in Yellowstone National Park
Wolves and Beavers in Yellowstone National Park The elimination of two animal groups from Yellowstone National Park changed the course of rivers and decreased plant and animal diversity. What two animals had such a big impact? Creatures that humans have long considered competitors and pests: wolves and beavers. Why Eliminate Wolves? It all started with good intentions. In the 1800s, wolves were seen as a threat to settlers’ livestock. Fear of the wolves also made it seem logical to eliminate them. Other predator populations such as bears, cougars, and coyotes were also hunted during this time in order to enhance other, preferred species. By the early 1970s, a survey of Yellowstone National Park showed no evidence of a wolf population. How Did a Lack of Wolves Change the Physical Geography of the Park? Without wolves to thin herds, elk and deer populations surpassed the park carrying capacity. Despite efforts to manage deer and elk populations, their preferred food sources of aspen and willow trees were decimated. This resulted in a lack of food for beavers and their populations declined. Without beaver dams to slow the flow of rivers and create appropriate habitat, water-loving willows nearly disappeared. The lack of shallow marshes created by beaver dams also decreased the quality of habitats for birds, amphibians, and other animals. Rivers became faster and deeper. Reintroduction of the Wolves The process to restore habitat conditions was made possible with the passage of the 1973 Endangered Species Act. The law compelled US Fish and Wildlife Service to reestablish endangered populations when possible. Yellowstone National Park became one of three designated recovery sites for the Gray Wolf. Amid much controversy, wolf reintroduction finally began in 1994 with the capture of wild wolves from Canada that were released in Yellowstone. A few years later, wolf populations stabilized and a wonderful story emerged about the restoration of park ecology. It was hoped that with reduced elk populations, beavers would have access to their favored food and return to create lush wetlands. The return of the previously maligned wolf would transform the ecosystem for the better. It was a wonderful vision and some of it has come true, but nothing is ever easy in the restoration of complex ecosystems. Why Yellowstone Needs to Have Beavers Come Back Beavers have not returned to Yellowstone for a simple reason - they need food. Willows are preferred by beavers for dam construction and nutrition; however, despite the decline in the elk population, willows have not been recovering at the pace predicted. The potential reason for this is a lack of the marshy habitat that favors their growth and expansion. Willows thrive in areas where soil is kept moist from regular flow of nearby water. Rivers in Yellowstone run faster and have steeper banks than they did during the era with beavers. Without beaver ponds and meandering, slow-flow areas, willow trees are not thriving. Without willows, beavers are less likely to return. Scientists have tried to resolve this dilemma by building dams that recreate beaver habitats. So far, willows have not spread into these man-made ponding areas. Time, rainy conditions, and still lower elk and deer populations may all need to converge before there will be mature willows to lure back a large beaver population. Yellowstone Wolf Restoration Still a Great Story The great debate over how fully wolves have restored Yellowstone ecology may go on for years, but scientists seem to agree that the wolves have improved conditions. Wildlife biologists have noted that endangered grizzly bears often manage to steal wolf kills. This could be critical if other food sources such as fish populations continue to decline. Coyote and foxes still thrive, but in smaller numbers; perhaps due to competition with wolves. Fewer small predators have allowed populations of rodents and other small mammals to recover. It has even been suggested that deer and elk health has improved because they must move more quickly and remain alert with wolves in the area. Wolves in Yellowstone Today The expansion of the wolf population has been amazing. In 2011, the US Fish and Wildlife Service estimated that there were about 1,650 wolves in Yellowstone National Park. In addition, the wolves were taken off the endangered-species list in Idaho and Montana. Today, the packs in Yellowstone range from two to eleven wolves. The size of the packs varies with the size of the prey. Wolves are currently hunted in areas surrounding Yellowstone National Park. The National Park Service is still monitoring the wolf population in the park and surrounding areas. Hope for the Beaver? Beavers are among the most persistent wildlife on the planet. Their reputation of nuisance comes from the challenge of discouraging them once they become attached to a stream or river. While they prefer willows, they can survive from other tree species, such as aspens. The National Park Service continues to monitor the beaver population. It is possible that over time the combination of reduced elk populations, improving aspens and willows, and a wet weather period could combine to create ideal conditions for their return.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Should Young People Learn History Essay
Should Young People Learn History Essay Should Young People Learn History Essay Example Should Young People Learn History Essay Example Today, history is one of the most widespread and popular subjects for discussion worldwide. There are different approaches both to the essence of history and its teaching methods. For instance, young people have expressed diverse concerns toward the meaning of this subject at school curricula.. There are people who support the idea that children should learn from the past stories facing valuable life lessons. They believe it helps preserve the culture and teach teenagers vital life skills drawing on the examples of their ancestors. Besides, this subject could be really interesting and breathtaking, presented in a playing form by experienced instructors. However, this point of view also has its opponents and counterarguments. The following paper gives a vivid description of the arguments that affirm the need to let juveniles learn stories of the ancient times. Should Young People Learn from Past Stories Educating children by means of presenting different life lessons learned by their ancestors has always been considered as an issue of vital importance. However, the study of history has become a controversial topic especially among the young people. There are two distinct opinions about the significance of cultivating this particular subject among the children. There are those who believe that history is critical to their ultimate well-being. Consequently, the lessons of history empower children to lead a balanced life in the future. On the contrary, some feel that history is composed of past events that intimidate their progress in contemporary life. Thus, it is critical to have clear perspective on this issue. The following paper discusses the supporting arguments on why young people ought to be taught history. Preservation of Culture A number of reasons prove the significance of history for the younger generation. Understanding one’s Origin Firstly, the analysis of the past is imperative in helping the community to preserve their traditions and beliefs. History could assist children to understand their origin, as well as build the systematic view of the world. Through the learning of the history a person could put together comprehensive world view, as well as find their place in it (Corfield, 2008). The sense of belonging could not be overestimated. In fact, history gives people self-identity that enables them to co-exist peacefully with other members of the society.. When young people gain knowledge on how their communities came into being, they will definitely appreciate their own existence more. Consequently, they will be able to share their vast experience with the future generations, continuing the traditions and the name of the game. Knowledge of Cultural Practices Secondly, when young people study history, they become familiar with the cultural practices of their community. Mc Farland (n.d.) emphasizes that it is only through comprehending the older generation’s way of life that young people could gain insight into their own experience. In other words, it unravels the mystery of mankind’s existence. For instance, there are communities in the developing world that practice circumcision. It used to be a rite of passage that transited a boy into the adulthood. However, currently, male circumcision is carried out as a means of reducing the rate of HIV. Moreover, despite the modernization that characterizes this cohort, some cultural practices are vital in helping people know the pillars that held their forefathers together. Past Challenges Thirdly, historical education is imperative for the young people as it highlights the numerous challenges that the community encountered. It is vital to note that people nowadays have lower level of resilience to problems as compared with their ancestors. Nevertheless, studying their origin modern people could plunge into the atmosphere of hard times that were habitual for their forefathers. Wolfe (2002) elaborates on the wars and conflicts that have cyclic nature and could eventually pass from one epoch to another. Thus, learning history young people are prepared to face possible difficulties with stamina. Sources of Entertainment Heroic Messages Nothing has been found to be more glorious and entertaining as the stories of the past. The young generation is separated from their ancestors with hundreds of years where totally different lifestyle and values were possibly common. Thus, it is a great chance to look into the ancient times and learn the examples of famous personalities. For instance, olden stories narrate the heroic figures that brought immense changes to the society. The South Africans still idolize the sacrifice their great leader had to give in order to attain the independence of the nation. The example of a person who was jailed for twenty seven years in severe conditions nurturing the idea of national pride of the Africans has inspired many a generation. Wolfe (2002) put the special emphasis on the encouragement of the young people with historical heroic figures: â€Å"It exposes the youthful person to the heroic aspect of possessing your thoughts and ideas.†Thus, the history is also important in the con text of the spiritual education of the youth. Comprehension History also enables a person to visualize the experiences of the people from the past. In other words, it acts as a connecting gear of past, present, and future generation. It is significant to note that at every stage of life, an individual face the people who appear to be older that they. Nevertheless, a person is expected to communicate with them despite the huge generation gap. By learning the stories from the past, youth can comprehend how to appropriately interact with older people. Corfield (2008) reaffirms the point noting that every human being is a living history. In essence, our great grandchildren will also desire to learn the way we lived in our time. It will give them an opportunity to appreciate the value of technological progress that changes the world beyond recognition. For instance, while right now passing of information is one minute act, history teaches us how messengers would spend numerous miles on a journey to deliver a message. Therefore, one gets to appreci ate life in its dynamics Captivating Features The stories of the old times are also presented in a simple and clear manner in the course of the history. In fact, contemporary era is full with complexities of different kinds. Consequently, teenagers are bound to find their ancestors’ lifestyle calm and quiet, as well as easy to perceive. However, one must have a positive attitude towards the learning process. Empowering the Youths with Vital Life Skills Enhancement of Thought Life Learning the course of the history has been found to enhance brainwork of an individual. Reese (2013) highlights that children who are exposed to knowledge of the ancient days demonstrate a better understanding of other people’s views. In fact, the skill is imperative in the school life of the child. For instance, it is apparent that some of the lessons that children learn in school are very complex. There are particular subjects that are challenging to most of the children. However, the research indicates that the awareness gained through the history studying sharpens one’s learning skills. Children are able to face the complexities in elementary institutions bravely. Moreover, they can easily join the university without much hindrance. Acquisition of Virtues There are life virtues that an individual acquires in the process. It is essential to bring out that success in life is greatly dependent on habits and characters of an individual. Reese (2013) notes, â€Å"Adolescents with a stronger knowledge of family history have more robust identities, better coping skills, and lower rates of depression and anxiety.†In other words, one gets to know how to manage the frustrations and stressful situation in their lives. Needless to say, the present generation is full of immense challenges that an individual is to accept. Harmonious Community Living Finally, history proves that youth can emulate their forefathers’ example. It is important to note that most of the teenagers are trained toward self-independence. In fact, they do not know how to live harmoniously with the rest of the society. Most of them display rebellious behaviors towards parents who try to correct their behavior. However, Corfield (2008) emphasizes that history gives children an opportunity to understand the broad span of human life. They find out what every member of the society needs in order to live well. From the supportive arguments highlighted, it is clear that young people ought to learn from the stories of the past. Besides preserving the communities, history is a source of entertainment and vital life skills. Consequently, I believe the education system should embrace it at every level. After all, it is strongly desired to have the society that is rich in all its dimensions.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Leadership Style Emotion
Leadership Style Emotion Article Summary The article on Leadership Style Emotion has broadly explored the impact of negative and positive organizational behaviors. According to the authors, all leaders aim at maximizing the ultimate performance of their workers in regards to achieving their organizational goals (McColl-Kennedy Anderson, 2002).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Leadership Style Emotion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The leadership style administered is therefore very crucial for reaching and achieving the set goals. The authors assert that the transformational approach in leadership is more yielding compared to the transaction approach (McColl-Kennedy Anderson, 2002). They argue that the style of leadership used contributes greatly in the performance of the subordinate. Links Between Performance and Leadership Nonetheless, McColl-Kennedy Anderson (2002) are careful to note that leadership style cannot be the sol e determinant factor in regards to workers performance. Factors such as worker’s perception of their leader’s style in leadership greatly affect their performance (McColl-Kennedy Anderson, 2002). Workers feelings about their ability to perform with the type of leadership provided has a great influence on their willingness to perform their duties as the authors assert (McColl-Kennedy Anderson, 2002). The article shows the links between performance and leadership styles as well as the implications of an imbalance between the two. Organizational behavior is greatly influenced by the leadership in an organization. Workers respond positively or negatively in their performance due to the organizational leadership structure. Leadership structures may cause the workers to feel more closely attached to the organization or it can create a social distance that can be detrimental to the success of the organization. There are a number of models of organizational behavior, which i nclude, Autocrat, custodial, supportive, and collegial models.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Leadership Models In the models mentioned above, each meets a certain need. For instance, the autocrat model meets the subsistence needs of the employees. The custodial model on the other hand provides the employer with security and benefits. These two models according to research have been proven to have a minimal performance response. The supportive model as well as the collegiate model both focuses on encouraging the workers hence enhancing their performance. However, with the four models above, not many organizations operate with one exclusively without engaging at least an extra model. Managerial leadership that supports teamwork encourages employees to be responsible and demonstrate friendly relations will fellow colleagues (Roman Boyce, 2001). This posi tive organizational behavior can contribute greatly in achieving organizational goals. If for instance the management could consider investing in their employees through training, the performance of the organization would increase. Case Study, Hypothesis The management in a particular company decided to hold a training program aimed at improving workers knowledge on the market needs. They decided to offer training free of charge to their employees. Other employees also attended the seminar from different organization but they had to pay. Almost 90% of the employees of the organizing company attended the seminar, which was designed to improve their skills and productivity in the industry (Gilbreath Harris, 2002). A few months later after the conference, there were notable changes in the organization in terms of workers’ interaction as well as financial growth. The performance of the company went up.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Leadersh ip Style Emotion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company’s workforce became more free and interacted more efficiently with each other and a friendly culture was developed within the organization. The training helped the workers to have closer relations and work as a team. Best Leadership Models Leadership that focuses on the employees is more often successful compared to one that does not (Geller, 2001). Applying such leadership models that focus on the employees’ welfare such as the supportive and the collegial models, workers performance improves. This is partly due to a feeling of belonging and being part of the company. A company that supports and pays more attention to employees’ prerequisites benefits from greater loyalty compared to one that does not. With workers feeling as part of the company, their performance will definitely improve positively. Quality of Work Life, QWL and Its Effects For best performanc e among the workers, a leader must be keen to address the organization’s Quality of Work Life, QWL from time to time (Abernathy, 2001). Quality of Work Life refers to the favorable or the unfavorable working conditions in an organization. Leaders are tasked with the responsibility to ensure that the working environment is perfect and that it can allow effective and maximum productivity. According to McColl-Kennedy Anderson (2002), working conditions greatly influence the emotional buildup of workers. The authors indicate that both the leaders and the subordinates may have some negative or positive feelings depending on the working conditions they are subjected to (McColl-Kennedy Anderson, 2002). Conclusion The article therefore has outlined the ways through which leadership in organizations can influence the organizational behavior. According to the authors, subordinates respond positively or negatively to the leadership style that is in place.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This means that before engaging a leadership model it is critical to analyze its impact on the organizational culture. A leadership style that contradicts workers culture will be rejected hence escalate negative emotions. As the authors have indicated, I agree that leadership styles have great impacts on organizational behavior. References Abernathy, B. (2001). Focused vs. Consolidated Measures in Performance Pay Systems. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 7–12. Geller, S. (2001). Behavioral Safety: Meeting the Challenge of Making a Large-Scale Difference. The Behavior Analyst Today, 2 (2), 64–75. Gilbreath Harris (2002) Performance-Based Pay in the Workplace: Magic Potion or Malevolent Poison? The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (3), 311–316. McColl-Kennedya, J., Anderson, R. (2002). Impact of leadership style and emotions On subordinate performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 1 (1) 545–559. Roman, H.R. Boyce, T.E. (2001). Institutionalizing Behavior-Based S afety: Theories, Concepts, and Practical Suggestions. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3 (1), 76–82.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company Essay
Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company - Essay Example A Distinguish between basic, ideal and attainable standards and explain how these may be used in the Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company. Standard cost is the pre-determined operating cost calculated from Management’s standards of efficient operation and the relevant necessary expenditure. It is used as a basis for price fixation and cost control through variance analysis.Basically, standard cost reflects;oQuantities of material and labor expected to be used;oPrices expected to be paid for materials and labor during the coming year, and,oFactory expenses applicable to production based on efficient performance and practical capacity operation of the factory.Standard costs are used in the following applications:o Planning & Control: Standards provide a benchmark, which serves two purposes – guiding and directing the activities of the firm (planning) and analyzing whether the actual activities are in proper direction (control).oPricing Decisions: Standard cost facil itates decisions as also in decisions involving submission of quotations, replying to tenders etc. Since cost is pre-determined based on acceptable standards efficiency, decision making process is simplified.oVariance Analysis: Identification and measurement of variances from standards is possible with the use of standard costs, with a view to improve performance or to revise standards, whichever is applicable. Management by Exception: By analyzing the variances, the decision maker can focus on significant deviations from standards and take corrective actions. Managers can concentrate on critical areas of activity where variances are reported. Thus, standard costs facilitate control by exception (Accounting Tools 2008). Characteristics of basic standards (AccountingCoach 2008) Particulars Characteristics Period These standards reflect the costs that would have been incurred in a certain past period (i.e. the base period). Change These standards are used for items or costs which are likely to remain constant over a long period. Short run vs. Long run Basic standards are set on a long term basis and are seldom revised. Effect These costs relate to a base year, which is chosen for comparison purposes, like price indices etc. Basic standards do not represent what should be attained in the present period. Suitability Suited only to businesses having a small range of products and long production runs. Comparison of ideal standards and attainable standards ( 2009) Particulars Ideal Standards Attainable Standards Conditions These represent the level of performance attainable with the ‘best’ or ‘ideal set-up’, i.e. best quality materials at favorable prices, highly skilled labor, best equipments and layout. These represent the level of performance attainable under normal operating conditions, i.e. normal efficiency, normal sales/production volume etc. Efficiency These standards focus on maximum efficiency in utilization of resources, i.e. maximum output with minimum cost These standards focus on the practical attainable efficiency, after considering normal imperfections, i.e. optimization (not minimization) of cost per unit. Attainment These are generally not attainable; hence such standards may not be taken seriously. These are attainable with reasonable effort and hence constitute a good benchmark for control. Disposition o f variances Variances from the ideals would not indicate the extent to which they could have been reasonably and practically avoided. There is no logical method of disposing these variances. Here, variances are deviations from normal expectations. Hence they are disposed on the basis of the policy of the company in this regard. How these may be used in the Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company As is obvious from what has been discussed above a basic standard is more of a historical piece of information without much practical relevance for a new set up. Thus, it is advisable that no effort should be spent on setting up basic standards. Instead it would be much more effective if the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Evaluate the risk exposure to commercial bank whilst they endeavour to Essay
Evaluate the risk exposure to commercial bank whilst they endeavour to maximize their revenues within profitable lending - Essay Example It is the most common risk experienced by banks in lending. It occurs when customers are unable to meet their obligations, fall due and causes the bank to suffer a loss. Different bank transactions that cause the credit risk may result from the lending made to the governments, individuals, and companies. Second, it may result from lending money in exchange for security bonds. Commercial banks also exchange lending with shares, swaps, trade finance transactions, and other items. The probability of risk increased due to the different items that may cause the credit risk. The risk increase in the event, the bank fails to evaluate the customer credit worthiness. It is more probable to lose a huge sum of money when commercial banks offer huge loans to customers without proper credit rating. The risk results from market rate fluctuations. Normally, the banks allow customers to deposit money in the bank at a certain rate. Subsequently, banks give out the money in the form of loans at a rate higher than the one paid to depositors. Commercial banks risk a loss when the government control lowers the lending interest rates. If the lending interest’s rates decrease below the interest rate provided to depositor’s commercial banks may experience difficulties paying back the money to the depositors. The probability and the severity of loss increase when the government exercises serious controls in the monetary market. The interest rate risk affects the currents earnings of a firm and the present value of the future cash flows due to changes in the interest factor value. The depositors in a bank may withdraw their deposits from the bank any time as long as they do not violate the terms agreed. At the same time, the bank may offer huge sums of loan against few deposits made by customers. In case the customers decide withdraw their deposits, the funds will be unavailable. The liquidity risk is the probability that the bank will
The Future of Healthcare Information Systems Coursework
The Future of Healthcare Information Systems - Coursework Example Some of the required skills include the web and computer technology. Additionally, they need the managerial and organizational leadership and competencies needed for the changes in the operational roles and methods. It had become important to comprehend the functional capabilities of technologies that are associated with e-health, health records, and also telecare (Bashshur, 2013). In standardization the automation process and services will not be feasible in the absence of data standards that enables communication through the internet oriented programs and languages. Some of the core limitation in setting up the standards concern the substandard definition of deliverables. The health sector will fail in determining the objective and the functionalities that are desired for the health application and their conflicts to define the minimum sets of data for clinical and operational management of e-health. The implementations and standard development is a slow process and tends to need a lot of regulatory actions (Bashshur,
Stock Price Movement of McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc Research Paper
Stock Price Movement of McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc - Research Paper Example As a further proof, consider the profit or loss faced by an investor who invests $1000 in the stocks of the company on October 14, 2008 and sells those very stocks exactly 52 weeks later on October 15, 2009. For simplicity, the opening prices of the stocks have been taken into account. Profit/Loss after Investment On October 14, 2008, opening stock price of McGraw-Hill Publishing = $28.06 Hence, with $1000, number of stocks that the investor purchased = (1000/28.06) ≈ 35.64 However, since number of stocks cannot be in fractions, so, 35 stocks are being considered. So, the purchasing price of 35 stocks = $982.10. Again, on October 15, 2009, opening stock price of McGraw-Hill Publishing = $29.25 Hence, the gross return to the investor after selling 35 stocks = $(29.25 x 35) = $1023.75. Hence, net profit to the investor after 52-weeks = $ (1023.75 – 982.10) = + $41.65. Conclusion Although there had been a net profit in the long-run, but the company had been subject to a number of short-run losses mainly because of inconsistency surrounding some overhanging legal issues. However, Standard & Poor’s which also is owned by MHP and accounts for 75 percent of the company finances, made a huge profit by mid-October, 2009, due to a large number of bond issuance, that led the parent organisation to generate much higher proceeds and consequently, its share price rose to an amount, 25 percent more than what it was on the same day the previous year (Reuters, October 11, 2009).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Tackling the Incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases Essay
Tackling the Incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases - Essay Example According to statistics obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO), CVDs are the primary cause of deaths worldwide. It is estimated that more people die from CVDs annually than from any other disease. The WHO further reports that in 2004, CVD was responsible for 17.1 million deaths globally. This represented 29% deaths worldwide. Of these, 7.2 million deaths were due to coronary heart disease, while stroke was associated with 5.7 million deaths. The WHO estimates that by 2030, deaths due to CVD would amount to 23.6 million, most of which will have resulted from stroke and heart disease (â€Å"WHO Fact Sheet†). In sight of this grim reality, it is high time that scientists explore beyond conventional medicine. Current treatment of CVD involves balloon angioplasty, heart transplantation, coronary artery bypass surgery, and repair or replacement of valves. Though widespread, there are always implications and setbacks to these methods. In most cases of heart failure, congen ital cardiac anomalies and post-myocardial infarctions, the only possible cure is heart transplantation because â€Å"the ischemically injured failing heart lacks contractile myocardium, functional vasculature, and electrical integrity, which has made treatment of the underlying injury untenable†(Ott, Davis and Taylor, 2005). However, due to a severe scarcity of organ donors and the fear of organ rejection, transplantation science needs a full-blown transformation. Therefore, in this proposal, I put forth possible areas of research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine that are emerging as promising frontiers in transplantation technology, and how they can be used in tackling the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Here, I wish to explore new technologies in tissue engineering and discuss how I will approach my research objectives for postdoctoral studies in this field. Context and literature review Most of the current research is focused on tissue engineering to reproduce functional myocardium, heart valves and even the entire heart from the cells of the patient. In the treatment and prevention of heart failure, technologies that induce cardiac repair are being sought after. Therefore, â€Å"cell-based†regenerative medicine is the first step in this direction (Ott and Taylor, 2006). â€Å"By combining stem and progenitor cells with increasingly complex scaffold materials and culture conditions†, it is possible to create an entirely new organ derived from the patient’s own cells (Song and Ott, 2011). Studies have been done on cardiac stem cells isolated from â€Å"uncommitted cardiac progenitor cells†of ventricles. These cells can mature into smooth muscle, endothelial and cardiomyocyte cells that can be used to produce organs or parts of an organ (Ott et al, 2007). In another approach, skeletal myoblasts, myogenic or angiogenic precursors, hematopoietic progenitor cells and blood-derived or bone marrow mesench ymal cells can be used for cardiovascular repair (Ott, McCue and Taylor, 2005). Using cardiac derived stem cells, progenitor cells or cardiomyocytes, a functional and contractile myocardium can be engineered using â€Å"biocompatible scaffold materials†(Tee et al, 2010, p. 683). Scaffold materials are required to guide the division of cells to enable the development of an organ just like an extracellular matrix. Attempts are being made to make patient specific scaffolds through bio manufacturing (Bartolo et al, 2009, p. 212). Failed cardiovascular components can be replaced with â€Å"biocompatible tissues that have the potential to rapidly restore the lost function and slowly regenerate by remodelingâ€
Unionized Workers In America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unionized Workers In America - Essay Example In response to the strikes, RCA moved its operations from Camden to Bloomington (Romero 175). The same argument can be used to argue for the reason behind the dramatic changes in the number of unionized workers over the period from 1930 to 2003. During the early period of the 1930s and 1940s, most of the American companies set up their manufacturing hubs in different parts America. Initially, the corporations paid less salary to the members and extracted greater output from them. However, with the formation of unions, the workers started demanding more wages and this resulted in the fact that the manufacturing bases were often shifted from one place to another. However, with the rise of pressure from the worker's unions the management started getting cornered and were forced to comply with the demands of the workforce. However, with the start of globalization, the companies realized that they could get the same level of output as they were presently getting if they shifted the manufa cturing bases to countries like India and China. As the companies started to shift their manufacturing bases to third world countries the number of workers in America got reduced and this resulted in the fall of unionized workers in the USA. ConclusionThe above essay tries to provide an explanation behind the rise and fall of the number of unionized workers in America over the period from 1930 to 2002. The probable explanation is the shift of the manufacturing bases to third world countries.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Stock Price Movement of McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc Research Paper
Stock Price Movement of McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc - Research Paper Example As a further proof, consider the profit or loss faced by an investor who invests $1000 in the stocks of the company on October 14, 2008 and sells those very stocks exactly 52 weeks later on October 15, 2009. For simplicity, the opening prices of the stocks have been taken into account. Profit/Loss after Investment On October 14, 2008, opening stock price of McGraw-Hill Publishing = $28.06 Hence, with $1000, number of stocks that the investor purchased = (1000/28.06) ≈ 35.64 However, since number of stocks cannot be in fractions, so, 35 stocks are being considered. So, the purchasing price of 35 stocks = $982.10. Again, on October 15, 2009, opening stock price of McGraw-Hill Publishing = $29.25 Hence, the gross return to the investor after selling 35 stocks = $(29.25 x 35) = $1023.75. Hence, net profit to the investor after 52-weeks = $ (1023.75 – 982.10) = + $41.65. Conclusion Although there had been a net profit in the long-run, but the company had been subject to a number of short-run losses mainly because of inconsistency surrounding some overhanging legal issues. However, Standard & Poor’s which also is owned by MHP and accounts for 75 percent of the company finances, made a huge profit by mid-October, 2009, due to a large number of bond issuance, that led the parent organisation to generate much higher proceeds and consequently, its share price rose to an amount, 25 percent more than what it was on the same day the previous year (Reuters, October 11, 2009).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Unionized Workers In America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unionized Workers In America - Essay Example In response to the strikes, RCA moved its operations from Camden to Bloomington (Romero 175). The same argument can be used to argue for the reason behind the dramatic changes in the number of unionized workers over the period from 1930 to 2003. During the early period of the 1930s and 1940s, most of the American companies set up their manufacturing hubs in different parts America. Initially, the corporations paid less salary to the members and extracted greater output from them. However, with the formation of unions, the workers started demanding more wages and this resulted in the fact that the manufacturing bases were often shifted from one place to another. However, with the rise of pressure from the worker's unions the management started getting cornered and were forced to comply with the demands of the workforce. However, with the start of globalization, the companies realized that they could get the same level of output as they were presently getting if they shifted the manufa cturing bases to countries like India and China. As the companies started to shift their manufacturing bases to third world countries the number of workers in America got reduced and this resulted in the fall of unionized workers in the USA. ConclusionThe above essay tries to provide an explanation behind the rise and fall of the number of unionized workers in America over the period from 1930 to 2002. The probable explanation is the shift of the manufacturing bases to third world countries.
Summarise The Preparations That Need Essay Example for Free
Summarise The Preparations That Need Essay The preparations required will include the planning of appropriate approaches to information collection There should be interrogation/analysis of the data collected during implementation of internal quality assurance. Preparations should be made to ensure clear and effective communication and negotiation with learners/assessors/colleagues/employers. Preparations should be made for administrative arrangements such as timing, venue, agenda. Within the administrative arrangements for CPD activities schemes need to be set up to prepare participants. Preparations should also include resources such as assessors’ records, assessment plans, sampling schedules, organisation documentation, templates for recording outcomes, and new technology.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Factors for Human Resource (HR) Planning in Healthcare
Factors for Human Resource (HR) Planning in Healthcare AMANDO TAGUINOD III student number: 12001406 TASK 1 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH REPORT As a recent graduate, appointed to an HR advisory role within a large New Zealand healthcare organization, you have been requested by your manager to develop a discussion document for management which: Considers the following types of business factors that underpin human resource planning in a healthcare organization. BUSINESS GROWTH I am an owner of a small grocery store, fried chicken stand, and a printing press in our town Penablanca, Philippines. When I was still in Elementary, we have a chicken poultry wherein I love being given the responsibility to feed the chicken and eventually to dress, cut them according to its different parts and offer it to our neighbors and friends with its cheap price. Business is a part of my student life. As I grow, selling goods and offering the business to my classmates and friends is my hobby. When I finished my school, as I practice my profession as a registered nurse I continued my hobby of selling goods such as Longanisa (ground pork), Chicharon (dried crispy pork) and milk candies. Eventually I started to put up and managed a small grocery store, fried chicken stand and a printing press. These are some of my tips on how to maintain and grow a business. Firstly, improve customer service. One of the most important thing to do is to attract the people by saying good things about the products and the dealers should always have a good marketing skills. In my business, I have a total of 6 staffs, I trained my staffs on how to treat customers. And we have schedule dates and time of meetings to discuss issues for improvements. Second, my grocery business is composed of different items. Foods and nonfoods. There are things to discover on a business like the demands of the customers wherein they should have variety of choices. The needs and wants of the community should always be the top priority and considering at least 2 unique items each week helps to increase the number of customers for they are excited to see what’s next item will be out. Third, included in my marketing plan in my business is the posters and leaflets written are the different items sold in my store. Since, I consider cheaper ones I focused on producing basic material that is stylish but functional. Once In a year I update my posters. Fourth, I expanded my business by joining up with another business such as my fried chicken stand to promote a special offer aside from having a grocery store. It is a great way to get business into new markets with new opportunities. There are big numbers of customers in my Fried chicken stand. Since the location is just beside my Grocery store, most of my customers in my Chicken stand are also buying grocery items in my grocery store Fifth, if you want to build future sales through repeat customers, you need to make it clear that you stand behind your offerings. A good start is to offer a money-back guarantee for any product sold. Pay attention to your customers, Take any feedback from customers seriously and make an effort to thank them for sharing their thoughts – even if they are raising concerns or making a complaint. If you have a regular customer who isn’t happy with a new marketing strategy or product line, listen to what they have to say. There’s a chance that other customers might share their concerns. These are the attributes I learned and apply it in my future business in healthcare organization. Decline and Change At Ambridge Rest Home and private Hospital, before the construction and renovation making it to big facility, the rest home started as a trial Rest home. A 10 bed capacity and a very generic rest home. This idea was for the staffs and other people to visit the facitliy and open some comments and suggestions for improvement. Eventually when staffs and designers made up a compiled suggestions coming from them and other concerned measurements, fittings, furniture, equipment and color schemes were made before renovating it to a beautiful and big building. This was to ensure that the very best design and look would be the end result and it is also to invite costumers and competing with the other facilities. Change is inevitable in the life of an organization. In today’s business world, most of the organizations are facing a dynamic and changing business environment. They should either change or die. Organizations that learn and cope with change will thrive and flourish and others w ho fail to do so will be wiped out. In an organization Change is not only in the physical aspect of the building but also on their technologies, political, economic, social, legal, international, and labour market environments. In very simple words, we can say that change means updating, modification or alteration of the present situation for the improvement of the healthcare facility and making things different. Competition In Healthcare Business, competent applicants are looking for a big health care organization to work and for them to have a good experience and good pay. There is no more need for that organization to post or to distribute posters to market their company to people. The applicants itself will definitely search for that big company and apply it through the internet. Unlike small business they need some efforts such as marketing strategies (tools/materials and papers for marketing purposes). In such a scenario, a human resource department will need to focus on developing recruitment materials and attending job fairs to promote the company and attract applicants. Human resource are responsible to maintain or retain employees by providing them professional growth. Impact of labour market competition and technology To work in a care business is to make a positive difference to someone’s life. You will need to have good communication and listening skills, and feel passionate about supporting other people to live a more independent and fulfilling life. The skill of an employee is the number one edge in a business organization. In a healthcare setting, staffs should be fitted in the different approach of care. They should be well trained and independently perform skills with competence. In a Heath care scenario like rest home in order for the families of the residents to build trust to the company they see to it that their admitted family members are well cared considering their diseases and mental illnesses (Alzheimer’s, dementia and etc.). Furthermore, flexibility is very important factor that will lead to productivity and success of the company. Technology, simply means saving effort and money. A job that supposedly accomplished by 2 to 3 people can be done by a single person. Technology makes easy steps in making business. Some care would not be possible without technology. In the Philippines, some Hospitals especially primary care hospitals are dependent in the old practice of care. They usually, catering primary care which doesn’t include the needs of technology, or if not they refer their patients to tertiary hospitals providing adequate knowledge and advanced technologies to treat them. Impact of Employee Development According to my research readings authorized by Ruth Mayhew a senior professional human resource manager at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He cited different employee-development plans. According to him each plans depends on employee’s current position, aptitude, performance and professional goals. These three development plans contributes to the provision of quality employees in a Healthcare organization. One of these is, Performance-Based Employee Development Plan, this plan focuses on the performance of employees yearly, review their previews performance, capabilities, accomplishments and goals for the next year. One of the examples is based from my experience, I was given the chance to be trained as ANTI-RABIES and VENUM VACCINATION provider in one of the prestigious Health Care Organizations in our country sponsored by my employer. It brought an impact in my profession and as an employee as well. It developed more my skills and confidence that builds a trust to m y company and work well with them. Considers the following types of human resource requirements and factors that underpin human resource planning in a healthcare organization Internal and external factors in matching personnel organizational requirements Internal Forces Internal factors may create big impact to the change in the organization. Such internal factors are changes in the managerial personnel. In the Philippines the retirement age for employees is 60 years old. Old head nurses are replaced by new ones. But that is the oly one factor it can affected by promotion, transfer or dismissal. Each new leader brings his own ideas and way of working in the organization. The relationships, more particularly informal ones, changes because of changes in managerial personnel. Moreover, attitude of the personnel change even though there is no changes in them. The result in that an organization has to change accordingly. Nature of the work force. The new generation of workers are well educational and updated and loyal to their career. Their behavior is more complex compared with the once which leads them towards organizational goals External Forces Each organization has goals and responsibilities related to each other in the environment. The organization changes according to the outside environment. It can be social, political, economic, technology, and legal environment force. Such changes may result in major functions production and nature of competitions. In order to survive in the changing environment, organization must change. Technology. The result makes our work easier and makes the company more competitive with others. To established equilibrium with other companies technology should also be updated. Marketing conditions. An organization markets their facilities and skills to outside environment to compete with other facilities. Such forces that affects the competitive position of the facility is marketing the facility to the people but the people will still choose other facility. Improvements and innovations is important. There may be changes in costumers in terms of their needs, liking –disliking and income/budget of the facility. These changes from the organizations focused on which meet costumer’s requirement. Social changes: Social changes reflect in terms of people’s aspirations, the needs, and their ways of working. These social changes affect the behavior of people in the organization. There, it is required to make adjustment in its working so that it matches with people. Political and legal changes: Any changes in these political and legal factors may affect the organization operation. Since these legal and political changes should be followed, any changes of these factors would bring an impact in the organization. Government policies and labour market competition Based from my experienced abroad specifically in Libya, their government provides policies and standards for nurses who can work as operating theater nurse in one of their hospitals. Nurses should be well experienced in the field of their specialty and abide the laws and policies governing their profession. Filipino nurses in Libya are competing to fill the gaps of special areas (Operating Theater and ICU) in all government hospitals. In the Philippines, all nurses are required to take a Government Licensure examination to practice their profession. We must abide by our government policy to get a job and experience. There are also government offered trainings that is a must to be called competent and have an edge with others.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Public Relations Contigenct Th :: essays research papers
"Contingency Theory of Accommodation and Advocacy" Contingency theory of accommodation/advocacy is a more realistic depiction of public relation strategies or models based on a continuum. The contingency theory represents the organizations possible stance on a wider range of publics than an individual one fostering rigid and exclusive categorization mostly found in a limited set communication models. Basically what the theory is getting at is opening the spectrum of the public to come to a more rounded synopsis of the issue or product. Amanda Cancel, Michael Mitrook, and Glen Cameron conceptualized the theory to offer a better understanding how the public relations field manages conflict and reaches out to the public in external communication. A study was done by 18 practitioners to see if the contingency theory made any sense to them. The theory itself offers 86 possible factors in the continuum at any given time to any given public. This allows the continuum offered to de pict how an organizations stance toward one given public and not the outcome of the interaction with that public. The theory focuses then on what decisions led the organization to their stance in concern with greater or lesser accommodation to that public. One of the many factors suggests that more accommodation or more advocacy will be effective in gaining departmental and organizational objectives in the short and long term. The contingency theory further goes on to say that an accommodative stance, questionably a part of a two-way symmetrical communication may not be completely ethical, in fact it could be contrary and unethical to morally repugnant publics, for those who hold some positions to be morally absolute. A position of a moral magnitude holds more so than that of any belief in the dialogic process. This also bring into view ethical charges of paternalism and the convictions of an organization that advocacy is morally superior to two–way symmetrical communicati on. Communication processes such as dialogue, compromise, collaboration and cooperation denote agreement, but engaging in these degrees are not always on the highest moral position. In certain cases taking a moral stance means putting the ethical principle above two-way symmetrical communication. The contingency theory attempts to structure a better understanding to dynamics of accommodation and advocacy while institute the ethical aspects of accommodation to the efficacy in public relations. This is one sample method that was used in the study of contingency. The sample test consisted of eighteen different public relation managers, ranging from middle to upper class.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Ecosystem Services Essay -- Environmental Science
D1. What are ecosystem goods and services? People have been relying for their daily needs and well-being on nature. The natural ecosystem provides varieties of goods and services to us, for instance, fresh water, fisheries, timber, water purification etc. The benefits that people directly get from the natural systems are called ecosystem services (ES). The natural ecosystem provides both goods and services to us. The ecosystem goods are the things that people produced from soil, water and plants; Crops, Fibre, Timber, Livestock, Tourism, etc. are the example of ecosystem goods. And, at the same time people get a varieties of fundamental and life supporting services such as flood control, clean air and water, pollination of crops and other plants, natural hazard regulation, cultural, spiritual and aesthetic services which are called ES ( Kerr, G., 2010). Classification of ecosystem services The united nation was carried out an extensive study of current condition and trends of ecosystem services with the help of 1,300 experts from around the world and prepared the The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) Report in 2005. This report classifies ecosystem services into four types. 1) Supporting services: It is a fundamental unit of ecosystem services which support other ecosystem services. The soil formation, photosynthesis, nutrient cycling and water cycling are the supporting service in ES. 2) Provisioning services: These include the goods or products obtained from ecosystem such as foods (crops, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture, and wild foods), Fibre (timber, cotton, silk, wood fuel, genetic resources, biochemical, natural ... ...then the decision. The decision maker should know the consequences of their decision in ES, for example how timber supply, making dam and extensive land use for agriculture affect in ES. The decision maker action may change the ES, they should consider the trade-offs among many option at decision making time and should chose the policies that help to foster and sustain the ES (Ranganathan, J. et al., 2008). Conclusion The benefits that we get from the nature are ES and it is indispensable for our overall development and prosperity. Works Cited Ranganathan, J. et al. (2008). Ecosystem Services a Guide for Decision Makers. World Resources Institute. Kerr, G. (2010). Ecosystem Services Approach to Inform Environmental Management, Draft. Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Health Promotion in Nursing Care Essay
Many years ago, people focused on disease and illness and not staying healthy or preventing illness from occurring. People did not go to the doctor for wellness checks but rather only if they had an ailment. Immunizations have removed some of the diseases that were causing death among the individuals that had contracted the illness. Health promotion has come to the forefront in medical practice since the movement of Healthy People that focuses on health and not illness. Health promotion can be perceived differently by individuals. â€Å"Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions†World Health Organization website (as cited in Casey 2007). Nurses have a vital role in health promotion in all health care settings, be it at home, in a clinic, hospital, or out in the community. It is important for the nurse to understand that health promotion is not only for the healthy but also for individuals that are disabled, have a chronic disease or are dying. By administering education and referrals to other health care professionals, the nurse is providing individuals the tools they need to experience the highest level of health possible for their given situation. Often nurses are engaging in health promotion activities while interacting with patients and are not aware of this as it becomes automatic in daily practice. Health promotion in a hospital setting can be as simple as encouraging deep breathing exercises and early mobilization to prevent pneumonia. Nurses can serve as a role model and educator in different settings such as at home with their own family members, clinics, hospitals or in the community (Lazarou, C., & Kouta, C. 2010 ). One role of the nurse in health promotion is to collaborate with all providers involved. Collaboration is especially important when working in a homecare setting to make sure a diagnosis hasn’t changed or the primary provider hasn’t changed the treatment plan. Supporting health promotion will help the economy by reducing illness and disease, allow faster recovery of illness and improve one’s quality of life. Effective health promotion teaching ultimately depends on how open the individual(s) is to change (Casey 2007). Prior to providing health promotion material, it is important to assess the learner to obtain their preferred learning method and any cultural issues that would affect the teaching. The teaching material has to be age appropriate for the learner. If they do not understand what is being taught, the teaching will be a waste of time for the nurse as well as the individual(s) involved. A nurse can passively mention a health promotion idea while caring for their patient to see their response to the concept. This passive approach could spur a conversation regarding the idea and make the patient more receptive to learning. After assessing the patient for learning readiness, providing written material and encouraging individuals to make a change is a good place to start a promotion activity. Another implementation approach would be to involve the patient’s family if the teaching involves cooking or other lifestyle changes. This approach will add a support system for the patient but also make others in the household aware of changes that need to be made. Depending on what the lifestyle changes are, they could benefit the entire household, not just the patient. The patient should be involved when setting health promotion goals (Casey 2007). If the goals are set by the nurse, the patient will probably not be as receptive to making a lifestyle change. Another method effective for health promotion is motivational interviewing. The patient is involved during all stages of planning. They not only decide on the goal, but also figure out what barriers they may face that would hinder their success. This approach would work well for implementing health promotion for increased activity and incorporating more fruits and vegetables into one’s diet. (Whittemore et al., 2010) There are three types of health promotion. The first type of health promotion is primary prevention. This type of prevention is often carried out in a community setting. Fluoridation of water to help lessen cavities, smoking bans in public areas and immunizations are examples of primary prevention as they remove the risk factors or causes of disease. The second type of health promotion is secondary prevention. Annual physicals, mammograms and colonoscopies are examples of secondary prevention because they are able to detect disease early, often before the patient is symptomatic. At this level of prevention, it is hoped that the disease is caught early enough so the effects can be reversed. The third type of health promotion is tertiary prevention. During this stage of health promotion, the patient already has the disease so the aim is to slow the progression to allow the patient to have the highest quality of life possible. Blood glucose control for the diabetic to try to prevent blindness and limb amputations is one example of tertiary prevention. Rehabilitation after a stroke would also fall under tertiary prevention (Oberg 2010). Over the years, health promotion is an important responsibility that has shifted from the physician to the nurse. They can participate in health fairs or partner with organizations and schools within the community to provide seminars. If funding for a program is an issue, grants might be available for funding. Physicians, dentists or dieticians may volunteer their time or help with the funding for school programs. Nurses could also participate with corporations to promote healthy lifestyle changes to lower health insurance premiums for their employees. As more people focus on wellness instead of illness, opportunities for the nurse to encourage health promotion are endless. References Casey, D. (2007). Nurses’ perceptions, understanding and experiences of health promotion. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 16(6), 1039-1049. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2007.01640.x Lazarou, C., & Kouta, C. (2010). The role of nurses in the prevention and management of obesity. British Journal Of Nursing (BJN), 19(10), 641-647. Oberg, E. (2010). Preventive services update. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, 9(4), 22-26. Whittemore, R., Melkus, G., Alexander, N., Zibel, S., Visone, E., Muench, U., & †¦ Wilborne, S. (2010). Implementation of a lifestyle program in primary care by nurse practitioners. Journal Of The American Academy Of Nurse Practitioners, 22(12), 684-693. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2010.00562.x View as multi-pages
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Nutrition concepts and controversies
Mammals, like humans, have a unique way of bearing an offspring. They carry this offspring in their womb for several days or months until their offspring are ready to face the world. This process is called pregnancy. In scientific terms, pregnancy is the phase from conception until birth wherein a fertilized develops into a fetus inside a mother’s womb. Pregnancy is a delicate situation, and needs utmost care and attention. During pregnancy, a mother is exposed to a lot of risks, so risky practices should be avoided. One practice that should be avoided is doing strenuous sports, particularly sports with risks of falling. A fall would cause an impact, and this impact may initiate the separation of placenta from the uterus, a condition known as placenta abruptio. This might cause an excessive loss of blood to the mother. Death to the unborn child would be the other risk. Another habit that should be avoided is smoking. This increases the risk of miscarriage for the mother, and possible health problems and lower birth weight for the offspring. This might also trigger an event known as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Another practice that should be avoided is drinking alcohol. A drunken mother is more prone to accidental fall which may trigger a miscarriage, and therefore excessive loss of blood or death of the unborn child. The child might also have some health problems after birth like a heart problem. Drinking great amounts of caffeine are also strictly prohibited for pregnant mothers. Caffeine affects the nervous system, making you more nervous, irritable and unable to sleep. Too much caffeine in a pregnant mother’s body might increase the likelihood of a miscarriage. This would either lead to excessive bleeding and loss of blood to the mother, and death to the offspring. Lastly, a pregnant mom should also avoid hot bath tubs and sauna baths/steams. These practices increase the core body temperature of the mother. This would increase heart rate to increase the blood flow on the body. It makes the heart work even harder and therefore might result to fainting. The increased heat in the environment of the fetus might also have a significant impact on the health of the child after birth. Reference: Children and Youth Health. (2007). Pregnancy – risks. Retrieved May 1, 2008 from Â
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Should violent images and language be censored or banned from national Essay
Should violent images and language be censored or banned from national media - Essay Example adays, parents have to sneak into the room every now and then to make sure that their innocent child is protected from the impacts of evil forces trying to reach their child through video games. This may also have a negative impact on the parent-child relationship in which the parent has to spy on the child. This may, for the least, inculcate curiosity in the child’s mind regarding the spying parent. In extreme circumstances, the child may become violent and abuse the parent and force him/her out of the room. Even if all the deleterious effects of incorporating sexuality and violence in the video games are overlooked, the fact that these factors are incorporated into the video games on the cost of their quality can not be ignored. Video game makers that do not have a nice strategy in mind for the plot or theme of the game may still have their product do good business in the market by making the audience attracted towards the violence or sexuality incorporated therein. In this sense, makers of such video games are essentially committing the crime of tarnishing the image of video games in the public’s eye. A vast majority of the proponents of violence and sexuality in video games suggest that access to such games should be allowed after a certain age limit. They emphasize that this is a useful way to prevent the minds of innocent children to go wild before they physically mature up. But this argument is totally flawed. Although it apparently seems an easy way to end the debate, yet anyone with the desire to curtail sexuality and violence in the video games can easily challenge this argument for several reasons. This is because of the fact that age restrictions when placed upon something play a fundamental role in making that thing a social taboo, and taboos often happen to be the biggest adventures for juveniles and adolescents to explore. The idea of placing age restrictions on the violent video games makes them all the more exciting and appealing for the
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Peer to Peer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Peer to Peer - Research Paper Example Moreover, this is usually implemented in P2P systems. The significant solutions are provided for the present problems that are mentioned in P2P systems (RODRIGUES, DRUSCHEL 2010): Application state maintenance Application-level node coordination Content distribution In this paper, interesting techniques along with related example are discussed. II. degree of centraliztion In the stem design, the architecture of P2P system is characterized according to the presence or absence of centralized elements (RODRIGUES, DRUSCHEL 2010). The centralized P2P system may include a committed node controller that helps to manage a set of contributing nodes and control the whole system. For example, the membership as, well as the content index is maintained by the website posse by Napster. Moreover, the initial version includes Bit Torrent ‘tracker’ that helps to keep track of all the uploading and downloading content. Thus provides a set of nodes if connected by peer. The BOINC platform consist a website that help to maintain the membership and allocate other computer related task. The log in system, account management and payment is managed by the Skype that contains a centralized website. In order to transmit content or other computer applications, resource-intensive is utilized. In fact, centralized P2P system can give organic growth and plentiful resources. ... III. decentralization of p2p networks There is no devoted nodes are present that are critical for the operating systems in the decentralized P2P system. In addition, the decentralized P2P system comprise no inherent bottlenecks are present. Moreover, this shortage of devoted nodes prevents the system from potential attacks, failure and legal challenges from the hackers. The nodes contain abundance of resources, high availability and publicly routable IP known as super nodes in several decentralized P2P systems. The rendez-vous point for nodes is considered as extra responsibilities of super nodes. These nodes are present behind firewalls, storing state or keeping an index of available content. In the P2P system, the super nodes can enhance the effectiveness but also it is involve in failure of nodes. IV. Distributed coordination Repeatedly, a number of nodes within the P2P application need to synchronize their activities without having a centralized administration or control. For exa mple, the group of nodes that duplicates a specific object needs to be synchronized for the updates associated with the object. (Sianati, Abbaspour et al. 2011) One more example of a node that is seeking for a specific streaming content segment will be curious to identify the node that is received by that channel i.e. the channel that is within reach and that has adequate upstream bandwidth. In this study we will incorporate two different methods for this issue; the first techniques will be epidemic techniques in which information is scattered virally from the workstation. The second technique will be a tree based method in which distribution trees are constructed for dispersing the information (RODRIGUES, DRUSCHEL 2010). Our primary focus will be on the decentralized
Monday, October 7, 2019
Trend analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Trend analysis - Essay Example After that period, they secured a merger with Twentieth Century Pictures which was established by Joseph Schenck and Darryl F. Zanuck in the year of 1933. The merger took place in 1935 which resulted in the formation of Twentieth Century Fox. 20th Century Fox Film Corporation is an established name in motion picture industry. It has established itself as one of the major company in their industry not only in America but also throughout the world. The main products of the company are films and television production oriented work. In the early period i.e. in late 1930s as well as in 1940s of the establishment of the company, their business model concentrated mainly on producing westerns, religious epics, screen featured biographies, and also musical films. In the early period of their business endeavor, they attached themselves mainly with quite a few of the then famous directors like John Ford, e.g. well recognized films like ‘The Grapes of Wrath (1940)’. From then on, they went on producing quite a few important and landmark films in the subsequent years. They were the first to bring in innovation in their business model by bringing in cinemascope. Cinemascope is a mechanism which helped pictures to be proje cted on screen at a ratio of two and a half times wider than normal. Their business environment was always been quite competitive in nature. They have been a pioneer in quite a few new innovations in their business environment and business model like cinemascope. The Robe in 1953 was companies’ inaugural wide screen viewable feature film. Thus, they were the trendsetter in the utilization of wide screen as a method of displaying films in the theatres featuring motion pictures. Twentieth Century Fox can be credited with the fact that they were the studio which brought presently renowned Marilyn Monroe in to the limelight and stardom in the period of 1950s. The studio also brought into forefront two of the most famous and successful
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Propaganda during World War 1 and World War 2 Research Paper
Propaganda during World War 1 and World War 2 - Research Paper Example In 1914 the War Propaganda Bureau were created in Great Britain. Bureau implemented propaganda among the soldiers and the population of the foreign countries. In August 1915 the propaganda service was created in France. The activity was held by means of leaflets spreading. In 1917 the United States Committee on Public Information ruled by George Creel was created. The main task of the committee was to mobilize the public opinion inside of the country to support both the participation of America in War and the peacemaking efforts of Wilson due to the public opinion split straight after the war was declared. Creel’s committee started working not having any tested tools of mass media. Thus, it was necessary to improvise. As that time there was no developed radio and television for the fast spreading of information, the committee formed the mobile groups of volunteers. The main goal of such organizations was to make people think that the opponents wanted to destroy the country and they were not going to stop (Lasswell, 1972:40). The activity of the created organizations, which dealt with propaganda were successful and brought good results. For example, more people started entering such organizations as Red Cross. Less people tended to join those who propagated the end of the war and peace establishment (McQuail, 1969:5). Germany became the victim of the informational and psychological operations of the opponents. Under the informational pressure the revolution started in Germany and led to its failure.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
The Effect of Hand Washing with Soap among Early Graders Assignment
The Effect of Hand Washing with Soap among Early Graders - Assignment Example The purpose of this qualitative study is to discover the effect of hand washing with soap among early graders by the use of school based campaign. The purpose of the study is to come out with an action based intervention that will reduce the occurrence of hand to mouth infections among children of school going age. This is a major social health concern that demands urgent professional attention. The reason behind this observation is that once children are plagued with some of these infections, they become so vulnerable that their chances of surviving the fatality become minimized. It is against this background that the proposed purpose of the study has been chosen as a means of campaigning in schools and among students on how they can use the basic practice of washing their hands with soap to reduce events of hand to mouth infections. Once research of these nature are completed, the researchers want to have a feeling of how relevant their works have been on existing practice and on general social change. The proposed research, once successfully completed would be no exception of such significance. The relevance of the proposed research to effecting social changes is numerous. In the first place, the intervention is action based and brings a new paradigm towards the approach commonly used in addressing some of these health issues in society. Indeed, the use of a school based campaign is highly social and can come with the added advantage of ensuring the easy involvement of otherwise reserved and shy participants into the research. What is more, by using a school based campaign as an intervention, there is the tendency that the habit of hand washing with soap that will be eventually cultivated among the students will become a permanent part of their social interactive lifestyle. Once this is achieved, it is going t o be possible that hand to mouth infections are going to be permanently prevented among the students. Finally, the research findings are going to form a part of a universal basis to qualitative study on the research study. This means that all future researches who wish to undertake evidence based research can fall on the findings.
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