Sunday, October 6, 2019

Propaganda during World War 1 and World War 2 Research Paper

Propaganda during World War 1 and World War 2 - Research Paper Example In 1914 the War Propaganda Bureau were created in Great Britain. Bureau implemented propaganda among the soldiers and the population of the foreign countries.   In August 1915 the propaganda service was created in France. The activity was held by means of leaflets spreading. In 1917 the United States Committee on Public Information ruled by George Creel was created. The main task of the committee was to mobilize the public opinion inside of the country to support both the participation of America in War and the peacemaking efforts of Wilson due to the public opinion split straight after the war was declared. Creel’s committee started working not having any tested tools of mass media. Thus, it was necessary to improvise. As that time there was no developed radio and television for the fast spreading of information, the committee formed the mobile groups of volunteers. The main goal of such organizations was to make people think that the opponents wanted to destroy the country and they were not going to stop (Lasswell, 1972:40). The activity of the created organizations, which dealt with propaganda were successful and brought good results. For example, more people started entering such organizations as Red Cross. Less people tended to join those who propagated the end of the war and peace establishment (McQuail, 1969:5). Germany became the victim of the informational and psychological operations of the opponents. Under the informational pressure the revolution started in Germany and led to its failure.

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