Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Motivation Techniques Used By Managers - 1091 Words
Motivation is used by managers in companies to encourage its employees to perform to the best of their abilities. The motivation techniques used in the first summer are quite different than those of the second. The workers were motivated in the first summer due to the Expectancy Theory as well as the Four-Drive Theory. In the first summer, workers quite enjoyed working for Joe and put great effort and time into landscaping customers’ yards. The â€Å"E-to-P expectancy†(McShane, Steen Tasa, 2014, p.119) is used by Joe. This expectancy is based on the workers’ belief that he/she can successfully complete the task required. In the first summer, Joe taught all new workers how to use the lawn equipment and was present at the job site aiding†¦show more content†¦This means, motivation techniques based on human need of emotion, bonding, and learning. â€Å"Drive to Bond†(McShane, Steen Tasa, 2014, p.116) is one out of the four theories Joe used in the first summer. The theory states that the forming of social relationships with coworkers as well as with the manager increases motivation within the company. It is clearly shown in the case that the workers all have a well established relationship with each other. They are able to communicate with each other to disting uish tasks, as well as eat and make jokes together during lunch and/or brakes. This desire to bond and create groups motivates workers to cooperate and feel confident in the environment in which they work. Another upside to the bond the workers have is that their joking and talking does not interfere with their work. The working habits and atmosphere in the second summer were quite different from the first. The new supervisors needed better motivation techniques to encourage the workers to perform well. First and foremost, it is clear the new supervisors do not have sufficient leading skills. They lacked communication with the employees and seemed to flaunt their authority. The supervisors needed to improve their â€Å"Drive to comprehend†(McShane, Steen Tasa, 2014, p.116-117). This drive enables the worker to fully understand what is happening in the environment around them. Most of the time, the new employees were forced to
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Odysseus Heroism in The Odyssey Essay - 584 Words
Being a legitimate hero is not all about having the extraordinary supernatural powers commonly seen on television. Heroes are people who aid others, often putting themselves at risk to do so. They made the decision to fight, not necessarily physically, for their values. Odysseus, the main character in The Odyssey, should be considered a hero. He put his own life in jeopardy to protect his men from the supernatural threats that they faced throughout their journey. Odysseus should be regarded as a hero because he is brave, clever, and cautious. Odysseus shows his heroism through his bravery. When Circe turned his men into swine, Odysseus confronted her: I drew my sharpened sword and in one bound held it against her throat(Circe, the†¦show more content†¦My name is Nohbdy(The Cyclops lines 312-315). Odysseus astuteness is apparent in this situation because he refused to reveal his identity to Polyphemus while he was vulnerable. His decision prevented the other Cyclops from coming to aid of Polyphemus. By precluding this beforehand, he demonstrated his heroic quality of wiliness. The ingenuity established by these actions personifies Odysseus as a hero. Furthermore, Odysseus reveals his cautious qualities that verify his heroism. In Sea Perils and Defeat, Odysseus does not notify his men about the Sirens: Odysseus decides to tell the men only of Circes warnings about the Sirens(narration). Odysseus noticeably gave forethought to this action because he knew his men would be fearful, and that it would interfere with their goal. His judgment forestalled his men from trying to avoid Scylla, as the anxiety of facing Scylla may have overwhelmed them, therefore, saving them from annihilation. Correspondingly, Odysseus shows his circumspect behavior in The Challenge: Odysseus took his time, turning the bow, tapping it, every inch(lines 1359-1360). This instance reflects Odysseus value of prudence; he made sure that the bow was in suitable condition for him to make an accurate shot. Placing importance on his discretion, Odysseus displays his heroic characteristics. Odysseus alertness in these situations validates his heroism. Confidence,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey1533 Words  | 7 Pagesbeginning, Homer shows his intention for themes of The Odyssey to be applicable in the modern age and essentially â€Å"sing for our time†(I, 12). Homer’s epic provides the ideal reflection upon the very definition of heroism because it details the strenuous journey of Odysseus, a crafty hero whose key priority is to return home to his family. As one of the most prominent themes, The Odyssey carries forth the idea of heroism through the portrayal of Odysseus, and establishes a connection with the real worldRead MoreThe Iliad And The Odyssey1317 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout The Iliad and The Odyssey, both Achilles and Odysseus go through intense acts of heroism, internal and external hardships, and fluctuations in confidence. During the epic, The Odyssey, the main character, Odysseus, has to endure many hardships which show. He has to show tremendous amounts of heroism and confidenc e just to keep his crew and himself alive. He has to rival and face many gods that despise him along with many humans. This theme can also be reflected from Homer’s The Iliad,Read MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1313 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"establish peace, gentleness, and justice†(Narayan 1972: 63) in the world. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus has an uncontrollable â€Å"fighting spirit†(Homer 1996: 227) that too often ends in misfortune. Despite these great differences, these two characters have one thing in common: they are widely regarded as heroes in their religion. This is just one of many distinctions between the two epics. In The Odyssey, the afterlife consists of â€Å"the shambling, shiftless dead†(Homer 1996: 251) while in TheRead MoreOdyssey Fully Embodies the Greek Idea of Heroism1087 Words  | 4 Pagesqualities that Greeks perceived as valuable in men. Odysseus, a prime example as the protagonist of The Odyssey, fully emb odies the Greek idea of heroism, using his physical skill, as well as his clever mind to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. From escaping the Cyclops’ lair to facing the suitors in Ithaca, Odysseus chooses to use strategy over brute force often in The Odyssey and sets a precedent for future heroes of Western epics. While Odysseus has physical strength on his side, he often exercisesRead MoreThe Odyssey And Sundiat An Epic Of Old Mali1328 Words  | 6 PagesHeroism is defined as the qualities or attributes of a hero or heroine. (Google). Destiny is defined as something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune. The predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events. (Google). Finally A journey is defined as an act of traveling from one place to another. (Google). While analyzing these two great epics I came across many similarities between the two main characters. In both epics The OdysseyRead More Comparing Two Heros - Beowulf and Odysseus Essays618 Words  | 3 PagesComparing Two Heros - Beowulf and Odysseus Reading through Beowulf I began to compare it to the last great epic I read, Homer’s Odyssey. While the Odyssey and Beowulf are each examples of both historic and modern ideas of heroism, the acts of Beowulf’s hero seem to fit better within its context. Beowulf exhibits many obvious heroic qualities, such as his strength and confidence in battle. These along with more subtle diplomatic actions serve to define him as both a great warrior and leaderRead MoreThe Between Greek And Greek Society1318 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the Hellenistic World 336-30 B.C.E. there were many forms of heroism. How would you define heroism? What does a true hero consist of? A hero is a common and quite simple term, but is not always easy to define within a character. A hero according to Roman and Greek Society is someone who stands up for their country and fights for their beliefs. Normally a hero is someone who everyone looks up to. Heroes show tremendous amounts of courage and desire to fight for one s country. 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Not to mention, when he returned to his land, he also had to defeat the suitors who had overrun his home and were trying to court his wife, Penelope. Homer not only tells usRead MoreExamples Of Archetypes In The Odyssey1291 Words  | 6 PagesArchetypes in The Odyssey All humans have ideals and patterns in common. Humans from a thousand years ago and humans in modern times have archetypes. Archetypes are characters, actions, or situations that are repeated in all human life. Archetypes are found in myths, legends, dreams, films, music, literature and several other forms of entertainment. In fact, The Odyssey, a prominent piece of writing, contains many archetypes. The Odyssey is a 3,000 year-old epic written by Homer in Ancient Greece
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Themes of Identity and Heritage in White Teeth - 1152 Words
Themes of Identity and Heritage in White Teeth A suicidal man with no place in the world, an African American woman who wants to get away from her own mother, and a Bengali man who is conflicted with himself and his culture; these characters make the basis for almost all events in Zadie Smith’s novel, White Teeth. The story of White Teeth takes place in a diverse London between the periods of 1974 and 1992, beginning with Archie Jones attempt at suicide. Archie and his long time friend Samad and their families must cope with their internal struggles and solve their external conflicts with each other throughout the novel. Through this process roots and relationships are discovered. In White Teeth, Smith includes a variety of themes, revealed using a wide range of different literary devices. One of the most crucial themes in the book is the repetition of the theme, identity and heritage. Identity and heritage are a crucial part of how the book’s story unravels. Smith reveals this theme using a multitude of literary el ements, which include the use of setting, imagery, characterization, and more. Some devices are used more than others, and others even barely. The most essential ways Smith uses these devices to convey the theme of identity and heritage is through the use of allegory, symbolism, and characterization. With allegory, we will first start with Samad. Samad plays an important role in conveying allegory, and a mixture of hidden themes, just based on how his thoughtsShow MoreRelatedWhen The Emperor Was Divine Leads The Reader Through The Journey Of One Family1678 Words  | 7 PagesOtsuka brings to light the persecution of Japanese-Americans through her use of symbols prominent throughout the book. Some of the most important being the symbol of stains, their family dog, and horses. Each has a double-meaning pointing towards the theme of widespread racism. Racism that led many Japanese-Americans into believing that they were guilty. Stains are the predominant symbol in the very beginning of the novel. By definition, stains are things that are not removed easily. Early in the novelRead MoreLiterary Analysis of â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†800 Words  | 4 Pagesstory is how the white middle class viewed and treated people from different races in the 1960s. The story is an example of irony, redemption as well as a struggle of identity among the characters. The main characters in OConnors story are Julian an aspiring writer, who works as a typewriter salesmen, and his mother who is a low-middle class racist white woman who has strong views about thvxe African-American race. Both Julian and his mother are great depictions of the white mindsets of racialRead More The Oppression of Colonized India Illustrated in Arundhati Roy’s Novel The God of Small Things1505 Words  | 7 Pagestheir own cultural traditions that lead to much of the tragedy; however it can be argued that the underly ing theme within the novel is one of a people oppressed by the colonization of India by England, and how a society already consumed with prejudices based on class (or caste, as the Indian would refer to it) and colour begins to turn on itself, and devalues its own people, culture and heritage. The Kochamma family lives, works and plays together. They do not however communicate with each otherRead More The Influence of Religion in Phillis Wheatleys Life Essay1458 Words  | 6 Pagesthe auction searching for younger, more capable slaves (Weidt 9). Among those chosen, they picked a cheaply priced girl, estimated by her missing front teeth to be about seven or eight years old (Weidt 7). She was also chosen because Susanna felt sorry for her, probably because she was so emaciated (Weidt 9). Because the little girl had no identity, as it was left behind in West Africa, the Wheatleys needed to name her. Like all slave owners, they gave the young girl their last name (Weidt 10). HerRead MoreJames Weldon Johnson s The Autobiography Of An Former Colored Man And Nella Larsen s Passing3489 Words  | 14 PagesThe Theme of Passing, Racial Prejudice and Internalized Racism in James Weldon Johnson’s The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man and Nella Larsen’s Passin g The concept of racial passing refers to the occurrence in which an individual is able to transcend racial boundaries. During the Harlem Renaissance, the term â€Å"passing†meant to signify mixed race individuals who were light skinned enough to pass as white and mingle freely within white society, almost completely undetected. This was significantRead MoreBlack Naturalism and Toni Morrison: the Journey Away from Self-Love in the Bluest Eye8144 Words  | 33 Pagesnot. In The Street Lutie Johnson fights the ghetto with a determination that can only be called heroic; her tragedy is that she loses her battle against her surroundings, but her triumph consists of her willingness to break the boundaries that both white and black society had created for African American women in the 1940s. In Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson, though Silvia is deeply affected by Miss Moore s lesson of where we are is who we are, she remains undaunted and vows ain t nobody gonnaRead MoreEssay on Hon g Kong Post-colonial Cinema4693 Words  | 19 Pagesextent its Chinese identity and its connection to its Motherland, while at the same time, has frequent contact with the Western world, politically, economically, and culturally. Hong Kong’s unique position has made the city a vibrant international metropolis that acts as a bridge between East and West. Yet after it was returned to China in 1997, this former British colony has been constantly reassessing its British past, struggling to find its new position and redefining its identity. The quest forRead MoreGender And Gender Roles : The Black Boys2966 Words  | 12 PagesEach texts depict gender and identity as an outcome of hierarchy, patriarchy and sexuality, readers are able to associate one’s identity as a social construct. Nurse Ratched’s aids the ‘Black Boys’ portray the negative perception that blacks are inferior to white people in society. This delineates American society at which the novel was written due to ongoing racism despite the American Civil Rights Movement. The Black boys carry out her requests by arranging sadistic beatings on the inmates, theyRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words  | 30 PagesLiterary Analysis ï â„¢ Literary Themes Coming Of Age ïÅ'‡ August 19, 2012 ïÅ'„ lite_admin Coming Of Age Most scholars agree on a standard definition of the coming-of-age narrative: the coming-of-age narrative: Simply put, it follows the development of a child or adolescent into adulthood. The roots of this narrative theme can be traced back to the bildungsroman, or â€Å"formation novel.†Late 18th-centuryRead MoreDescriptive Analysis6093 Words  | 25 Pageshe did. Alice Adams’s story â€Å"Truth or Consequences†presents the essence of narration and descriptionâ€â€an adult recounting a specific yet universal childhood experience. A frame story that mixes details of the past and present, it subtly embodies themes opposing stereotyping that are common among all of the readings in this section of the text. THE WRITING The writing assignments that conclude this section ask students to experiment with these strategies in their own essays. As students plan their
Providing Anesthesia For Lung Transplantation - 1538 Words
Providing anesthesia for lung transplantation (LT) is considered by many to be a major feat in cardiothoracic anesthesia. Some say it involves the most complex manipulation of cardiothoracic physiology, especially when cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is not used. There are many indications for end-stage pulmonary disease, from obstructive lung disease to pulmonary vascular disease. Traditionally, ventilation strategies for this population included tidal volumes of 8-12ml/kg to prevent atelectasis and zero PEEP to prevent a shunt of blood flow (Slinger, 2012). This strategy proved to cause harm during the periorperative period. Research now indicates that a reduction in tidal volume with added PEEP not only decreases atelectasis, but it also reduces pulmonary inflammatory response (Coppola, Froio, Chuimello 2014). These patients already have a decreased respiratory reserve, therefore inducing an inflammatory mediated response with ventilation settings can be detrimental and should be av oided at all costs by the nurse anesthetist. It is imperative for the nurse anesthetist understand the necessity of lung protective ventilation strategies in LT. Patient Assessment Lung transplantation surgery is often unpredictable and emergent. Therefore, the preoperative workup of transplant recipients must be thoroughly performed in advance with appropriate updating of clinical data and investigations whilst on the waiting list. If the patient has been on the waiting list for an extendedShow MoreRelatedProtective Ventilation And Lung Transplantation Surgery1602 Words  | 7 PagesVentilation in Lung Transplantation Surgery Providing anesthesia for lung transplantation (LT) is considered by many to be a major feat in cardiothoracic anesthesia. Some say it involves the most complex manipulation of cardiothoracic physiology, especially when cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is not used. Indications for LT include 4 primary diagnostic groupings of end-stage pulmonary disease: (1) obstructive lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); (2) restrictive lung disease (idiopathic
A Simple Trick for Admission Essay Writing Exposed
A Simple Trick for Admission Essay Writing Exposed Stick to the guidelines if you would like to compose a good essay by the application deadlines. Plagiarism is definitely from the question. In addition, you can get in touch with the on-line paper writer personally using our messaging system if you happen to need clarifications about the purchase. As a wise user, you should purchase a thesis, which meets all criteria of a dependable site. It's possible to negotiate the writing procedure and the price. Don't forget that changing components of your work in the practice of writing and reviewing is normal. There are likely to be lots of pages, so you need to earn a plan what follows what. All you need to do is order admission essay online and you'll be receiving an original, well-written content in virtually no time. There's several companies in the sphere of writing, but the majority of them are not reliable as they produce written tasks that are plagiarized and contain a variety of grammar and spelling mistakes. If you're looking for the ideal writing services online, you're in the appropriate location. Furthermore, you're prepared to easily buy admission essay. Admission essay is just one of the most significant essays in your life. Naturally, your admission essay is extremely important step. Writing admission essay isn't an easy job. You always have to bear in mind that admission committee. Admission officers have a look at the full package. Don't think of what others, especially admission officers, would love to read about. Admission Essay Writing: No Longer a Mystery Each day you've got to perform plenty of assignments and process plenty of information. It is possible to use our inquiry form so that our support team can make sure that we've got an essay writer with the essential wisdom and experience. If you're looking for a research paper writing service which delivers quality, original work, you've come to the proper location. Our term paper writing service enables customers to select the writer they need to work with based on their abilities and assignment requirements. After submitting the form you are able to sit tight and watch for your customized research essay! From now on, every assignment you will need to complete will be guided by a specialist hand. Finally, some men and women find complet ing papers a rather tedious endeavor and therefore prefer requesting an expert writer cope with this. A superb outline is easily the most significant step in writing a superb paper. Admission Essay Writing: the Ultimate Convenience! If you choose to obtain a research paper from our website, you'll get a wide selection of benefits. Writing a research paper can be an intimidating chore. The very best paper writing service is prepared to provide you the absolute most attractive offer. Anyway, the very best research paper writing service reviews also include things like info on the shortest possible deadline research paper writer will be prepared to work in a specific firm. Correct all errors that you may spot and enhance the total grade of the paper to the best of your ability. Therefore, you won't need to wait until the entire paper is written to look at its quality. What you have to do is to fill out the purchase form, make a payment, and in a couple minutes, you'll get your private essay helper. When you fill out the purchase form, you are requested to indicate the deadline. Admission Essay Writing - What Is It? You probably want an immediate chat with your writer. Also, it is going to be indeed helpful if you were able to supply the writer with the textbook you are using in class or any extra materials which will see to it that the writer utilizes the most relevant sources while completing the paper. First of all, you want to pick the best suited writer for your topic. Certified English speaking writers utilize an individual approach to each student. Sticking with a couple axioms and suggestions to use your private imagination when you compose an admission essay will aid you to make the entire task simpler. Regardless of what's the goal of your essay, there's a preset number of points which you will be expected to deal with. If you aren't content with the essay, it's your right to request modification or revision. You have to understand ho w to end an essay the appropriate way, for optimum effect. When you purchase an essay from us, you're guaranteed to relish individual approach because essay help offered by our writers is always customized based on your requirements. Explain briefly the important points you want to cover in your paper and why readers ought to be interested in your topic. How you construct your paper will depend on what sort of research thesis you've posed. Every academic paper must have a thesis statement.
The Law of Business Organization Business Partnership
Question: Describe about The Law of Business Organization for Business Partnership. Answer: 1. The advice on the legal right of Fred Are Mary and Fred in partnershipIf so, when did it commence? A partnership is usually an agreement between two or more parties in which they come to agreement to put together their mutual interests. This an arrangement where parties, known as partners, agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. The parties in the partnership can be individuals, schools, organizations, businesses, and government and so on. These agreements are formed in various areas in which in the case of Mary and Fred, it was a partnership in the business category, in which they verbally agreed to start a business together. One of the basic features of a partnership is either a verbal or written agreement between the parties. So Mary and Fred are in partnership. This commenced at the moment they verbally agreed to merge their resources in a ratio of 6:4 respectively to start on a partnership and also by forming a draft business plan to start the business. What liabilities to partners have for debts incurred on behalf of the firm? Can Mary be a silent partner? How would that affect her liability?( if at all) The liabilities to partners that has incurred debts is leasing of the location site of the caf and the plants and the equipment of the business without Fred informing Mary about them all. Mary cannot be a silent partner since the business requires and involves an equal and active participation by every member to ensure that the business is successful. Hence, when Fred is left as the active member, it will no longer be a viable partnership business. This will greatly affect her liability in the sense that she will not be fully responsible for the day to day operations of the business. How could Mary and Fred have structured the new business to meet their respective needs? Mary and Fred could have structured the new business in the following ways to meet their respective needs. First by having a well-written agreement between them to ensure that it is legally formalized. Secondly y obtaining a license for the beginning of the partnership that will make them legal. Thirdly, by choosing a necessary location of the business that will be most suitable for the operation of the business. Then by having an insurance certificate in their business to ensure that they are fully covered from any damages that may result in incurrences of losses. 2. Advice ABC on whether they may be able to obtain an order for specific performance or damages and against whom shall such an order be made to Specific performance is a usually a specialized cure or rather remedy involved or used by various courts as the best option to compensating one of the parties if other methods in form of remedies cannot effectively satisfy the other party. I would advise the ABC Company to obtain the order of specific performance or damages since it will be the best solution to salvaging the incurred debts from the X-Cell Pty Ltd Company in conjunction with the Arion Chemical Pty Ltd. This option will be best opted by the court since ABC Company would have fully enjoyed if the agreement between the company and the X-Cell company could have been very successful provided it would have been performed. The court may in turn apply the legal action of replevin in which the actual property from the ABC Company will be transferred back from the X-Cell Company in the process of the dispute. This will help in the ending of the disputes between the two companies. Nevertheless, the court may opt to use several other legal remedies when a party has completely breached their contract of agreement. Hence, the courts may order the defendants to actually perform the task they were to perform instead of using the specific performance way. Thus, specific remedies are the most appropriate in finding the solutions to most of the arising company disputes.
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