Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Odysseus Heroism in The Odyssey Essay - 584 Words
Being a legitimate hero is not all about having the extraordinary supernatural powers commonly seen on television. Heroes are people who aid others, often putting themselves at risk to do so. They made the decision to fight, not necessarily physically, for their values. Odysseus, the main character in The Odyssey, should be considered a hero. He put his own life in jeopardy to protect his men from the supernatural threats that they faced throughout their journey. Odysseus should be regarded as a hero because he is brave, clever, and cautious. Odysseus shows his heroism through his bravery. When Circe turned his men into swine, Odysseus confronted her: I drew my sharpened sword and in one bound held it against her throat(Circe, the†¦show more content†¦My name is Nohbdy(The Cyclops lines 312-315). Odysseus astuteness is apparent in this situation because he refused to reveal his identity to Polyphemus while he was vulnerable. His decision prevented the other Cyclops from coming to aid of Polyphemus. By precluding this beforehand, he demonstrated his heroic quality of wiliness. The ingenuity established by these actions personifies Odysseus as a hero. Furthermore, Odysseus reveals his cautious qualities that verify his heroism. In Sea Perils and Defeat, Odysseus does not notify his men about the Sirens: Odysseus decides to tell the men only of Circes warnings about the Sirens(narration). Odysseus noticeably gave forethought to this action because he knew his men would be fearful, and that it would interfere with their goal. His judgment forestalled his men from trying to avoid Scylla, as the anxiety of facing Scylla may have overwhelmed them, therefore, saving them from annihilation. Correspondingly, Odysseus shows his circumspect behavior in The Challenge: Odysseus took his time, turning the bow, tapping it, every inch(lines 1359-1360). This instance reflects Odysseus value of prudence; he made sure that the bow was in suitable condition for him to make an accurate shot. Placing importance on his discretion, Odysseus displays his heroic characteristics. Odysseus alertness in these situations validates his heroism. Confidence,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey1533 Words  | 7 Pagesbeginning, Homer shows his intention for themes of The Odyssey to be applicable in the modern age and essentially â€Å"sing for our time†(I, 12). Homer’s epic provides the ideal reflection upon the very definition of heroism because it details the strenuous journey of Odysseus, a crafty hero whose key priority is to return home to his family. 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