Saturday, August 24, 2019

Management and Leadership Skills in Team Building Essay

Management and Leadership Skills in Team Building - Essay Example As Leonard (2004) indicated, effective communication and teamwork are essential for the delivery of high quality, safe patient care. In another study, Nash & Govier stated that there is enough evidence showing that effective teams can improve members’ well-being as well as quality of care. Health care providers recognize the importance of team working in preventing patient errors   However, for teams to be effective, effectiveness should begin from the initial stages of team building. The determinants of an effectual team include member satisfaction, cohesiveness, effective communication, quality leadership and organizational culture. Another element of effective team working is adherence to behavioral norms or rules as Nash & Govier (2009) noted that among the elements of successful teams setting up and understanding the ways of working (rules) is of utmost importance. These elements can be achieved by the collective influence of good leadership and management.As Leonard   indicated, effective communication and teamwork are essential for the delivery of high quality, safe patient care. In another study, Nash & Govier stated that there is enough evidence showing that effective teams can improve members’ well-being as well as quality of care. Health care providers recognize the importance of team working in preventing patient errors.  However, building an effective team requires top notch leadership skills because it involves bringing together people with different personalities.

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