Saturday, August 31, 2019

Plato and Stephen Hawking Essay

1. If some parties lead to trouble and trouble should be avoided, then some parties should be avoided. (m) Trouble (p) should be avoided (s) Some parties (m) lead to trouble (s) Some parties (p) should be avoided 2. Physicists are the only scientists who theorize about the nature of time and Stephen Hawking certainly does that. Therefore, Stephen Hawking must be a physicist. (p) Physicists are the only scientists who (m) theorize about the nature of time (s) Stephen Hawking (m) theorizes about the nature of time (s) Stephen Hawking (p) should be a physicist 3. Obviously J.R. is married, he’s wearing a ring. (m) Men that wear rings (p) are married (s) J.R. (m) is wearing a ring (s) J.R. (p) is married 4. If people should be paid comparative salaries for comparable work, then since women are people, it’s obvious that women should earn the same salary as men. People should be paid comparative salaries for comparable work Women are people Women should earn the same salary as men. 5. Everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. After all God is something. Everything must have a cause God is something God must have a cause 6. Scientists today claim that the Peruvian Andes, a long mountain chain running the length of the Pacific plate of South America, are caused by subduction of the earth’s crust. Subduction is caused when two continents collide resulting in rock formation. El Mirador, one of the most famous peaks, is a mountain in that chain. It contains elements found in all molten rock such as basalt and lava. Scientist are convinced that El Mirador is a product of the subduction process. 7. In their never-ending quest to seek more efficient killing methods, scientists and engineers in the U.S. Army’s research and development division have produced a new biological agent. From previous studies the bio-technicians have seen that all biological agents capable of destroying the central nervous system are more cost-effective than explosive devices such as bullets or bombs. The new agent entitled The Patriot Bug effectively neutralizes the central impulse to the brain, killing a human being in just two minutes and it does this cheaply. The army will seek approval to deploy this agent at next month’s Pentagon meeting. 8. The California Supreme Court severely limited the rights of overweight-people to sue for job discrimination, ruling yesterday against a 305 pound woman who claimed she was denied a job in a health food store because of her size. By a 7-0 vote the court held that job applicants turned away because of weight cannot sue unless there is evidence of a physiological systemic basis for their condition. A person’s girth alone is not enough to qualify as a physical handicap protected by state discrimination laws, the justices ruled. The court didn’t specify what medical evidence is required but one employment lawyer speculated that a person overweight because of diabetes could sue. The ruling was a defeat for Toni Cassista, a five foot for woman who claimed she was illegally denied a job at a Santa Cruz health food store because of her weight. 9. This is from a Platonic Dialogue called the Crito: Socrates: Again Crito, can we do evil? Crito: Surely not, Socrates. Socrates: And what of doing evil in return for evil, which is the morality of the â€Å"many†, (society) is that just or not. Crito: Not just. Socrates: For doing injury is the same as injuring him? Crito: Very true. Socrates: Then we ought not to retaliate or render evil for evil to any one, whatever evil may have suffered from him†¦ 10. All Peace Corps volunteers are people who have witnessed poverty and desolation and all people insensitive to human need are people who have never witnessed poverty and desolation. Thus, all Peace Corps volunteers are people sensitive to human need. People who have never witnessed poverty and desolation are insensitive to human needs All Peace Corps volunteers are people who have witnessed poverty and desolation All Peace Corps volunteers are people sensitive to human needs 11. Some unintentional killings are not punishable offenses inasmuch as all cases of self-defense are un-punishable offenses and some intentional killings are cases of self-defense. All cases of self-defense are un-punishable offenses Some intentional killings are cases of self-defense Some unintentional killings are not punishable 12. The US surgeon General latest report on cigarettes and cancer is an interesting example of natural selection in the late 20th century. The intelligent members of our species will quit smoking and survive. The dummies will continue to puff away. 13. Policies to limit alcohol abuse in the military are the best preventative to alcohol abuse. If the Defense Department is so intent of fighting alcohol abuse why does it make alcohol so readily available? Alcohol is tax free at post liquor stores and enlisted and officers clubs make drinking almost a mandatory facet of military life. 14. Toy corporations which promote the purchase of toy guns give children a clear message that the best way to deal with frustration and conflict is with a gun. Yes, toy corporations spend millions on developing new toy weapons every year. What message are we sending our youth? The purchase of toy guns give children a clear message that the best way to deal with frustration and conflict is with a gun. Toy corporations spend millions on developing new toy weapons every year. Toy corporations which promote the purchase of toy guns give children a clear message that the best way to deal with frustration and conflict is with a gun.

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